mating issues

  1. Cloverr39

    Will he get the hang of it?

    I have a 6 month old silkie cockerel. I've decided he is my keeper. I'm obviously keeping him for breeding purposes, so the fact he can't figure out how to mount hens is a little concerning. I'm not super worried yet, as he is only 6 months old and I only need to hatch chicks from him in 3-4...
  2. M

    Rooster and Hens Not Getting Along

    Hi all! I have a question regarding my flock. I am a first time chicken owner, and hatched 5 chicks out in late November, 4 pullers and 1 roo. They are all almost 5 months old now. No females are laying yet. The rooster tries to mate with them, but he is really rough with them when he does. I’m...
  3. blwhitty

    My hen hates my rooster. He favors her.

    I would love some advice. I have nine hens and one roo. One of my hens wants nothing to do with my rooster and runs from him terrified and stressed by him. He will chase her down to no end to mate and she seems very bothered by him and avoids him at all costs. She's not bullied by him or the...
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