
  1. TundraGhost

    A Tribute to my hen Shirley

    On Saturday April 27th, my dear hen Shirley passed away over night in my room. I tried everything I could to help her, and made a few posts here in search of answers. I learned a lot of things and glad people were willing to help or suggest ideas. She had her ups and downs, I took her to the vet...
  2. Kittys Coop

    Memorial of Winston Churchill the best Silkie Rooster

    Please delete if this isn’t allowed. I lost my best roo today and I’m having a hard time dealing with it. There has been a local Bobcat sighting at two areas near us and we live right between both areas. Within the days of those sightings we’ve now lost 3 birds in 4 days and the loss of Winston...
  3. Chickeeaholic

    In Memory of Tigger

    This is for Tigger. Sorry this is sad, and even if no one reads this, I guess it's for me too, to process the loss. I loved her. She was an olive egger cutie pie I got last February. She was a runt. I had to fight through pasty butt with her and spend time warming her against my chest and hands...
  4. mypoorducky

    In Memory of Ducklas

    Hello all! Though it's been a few days since my duckling passed on Thursday, October the 7th, I still feel like it's still with me, chirping and following me around everywhere I went. I'd like to make this post just to help remember my first and most loving ducky, and to remind me to do better...
  5. BluejaySerenade

    Memorial to Fern

    May 11th, 2020 - May 25th, 2021 One of our hens died last night. She was a sweet and loving hen, though shy at first. She was taken from us by a dreaded predator. She got too curious and stuck her head out of the chicken wire, and in turn, it got bit off. I miss her dearly. She was a gorgeous...
  6. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    In memoriam of our beloved pets 💖🕊️

    All pets mean a lot to everyone 💖They help us through tough times, comfort us, and provide love and enjoyment.💖 But unfortunately, No pet can live forever. There always comes a time when they have to cross the rainbow bridge - a bridge that leads them to a beautiful afterlife. 🌈 The place is...
  7. ValerieJ

    In memory of Little Red Haired Girl

    It was Little Red Haired Girl's job to give the benediction at the end of each day.
  8. chickenzoo

    Custom Chicken Art Dolls & Memorial Dolls

    Handmade Custom Plush art dolls and memorial dolls . Visit for more choices and information.
  9. AshleyNicole06

    Lost one of my babies..

    Today, one my Rouen's got hit..and passed away. Im so angry! And sad! My poor baby! Any ideas on a memorial thing I could make or buy? Anything helps Thank you!
  10. Remembering the Passed

    Remembering the Passed

    Hey, guys. I know every one of us has seen a bird pass away, whether it be of age, sickness, or predator. This article is a memorial. Feel free to post about your beloved birds who have sadly left us. I'll start it off. I have seven chickens, all silkies. I used to have nine. This article is...
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