
  1. At Home Fecal Float Test

    At Home Fecal Float Test

    I recently found this very clear and informative webpage that gave instructions on preparing a fecal float. I was intrigued, as I had only seen people saying you had to send off your samples to a lab. I have never treated or treated for worms in my flock, and as I have my own microscope, I plan...
  2. Fecal Examination in Backyard Chickens 101-Part III

    Fecal Examination in Backyard Chickens 101-Part III

    Continued from Part II Part III. Under the Microscope Arguably the most difficult part of this whole process is understanding what you are seeing through the microscope lens. There will be a lot of poop and flotsam, and a lot of things that may look like something but are just artifact. Plant...
  3. Fecal Examination in Backyard Chickens 101-Part II

    Fecal Examination in Backyard Chickens 101-Part II

    Continued from Part I Part II Microscopy Learning basic microscopy is not hard and although it does take practice, is worth the effort. It opens up a whole new world to you and is especially fun to do with your kids. Ever look at mushroom or an onion skin under a microscope? It’s fascinating...
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