moving to coop

  1. W

    Safe to go to the coop?

    Hi all you chicken mamas. I am new to the chicken world and would love some advice on when the chicks are good to be moved to the coop/run. We got our girls (hopefully all girls) March 15th when they were 3 days old.They are doing great and love to hang out with us. We’ve kept them in a...
  2. M

    Moving chicks outdoors?

    So I live in Salem, OR. Currently I have two week old chicks in a brooder inside my home. They seem to have feathered wings. In my area the temperature usually ranges from high 80s to high 90s during the day and somewhere along the 60s during the night. I was wondering if it was possible for me...
  3. A

    Moving chicks outside inconsistent temps?

    Our 12 chicks are 6 weeks old today. They are ready to move outside... their brooder is getting just a little crowded. We are planning to move them out to their coop on Friday. We have had unusually hot weather for this time of year with day time temps of 98, however it’s dropping to about 48 at...
  4. Chick-Mahal

    Kicking them out of the house....

    I am just about to kick all 13 of them out of my house. All I have left is finishing the fencing. Essentially I guess I am building a huge bird cage. My run will have chicken wire over the top to stop those from above from eating my babies and 2 X 4 fence with chicken wire around then...
  5. Staciewoeste

    New to Chickens - Looking for more on Rainbow Dixies

    We just got our first coop and are getting baby Rainbow Dixies tomorrow. We ordered 8 of them and the brooder is set up and ready to go. I can't find a ton of info on Rainbow Dixies. I know they grow fast. I would like to move them to the coop with a heat lamp at week 4 or 5 because of the...
  6. Quailberries

    When can my girls go in the coop?

    I know the usual coop age is 4-6 weeks, but I've been hearing of people getting them out at 3 weeks or even younger successfully with heating, which we do have. We have 2 pullets who will be turning 4 weeks on Wednesday and another 2 that will be around 2 weeks on Wednesday. They are all...
  7. S

    When can my chicks go outside?

    My chicks are 6 weeks old and I was wondering when I can move them outide to the coop? It still cold during the day and in the evening, but will they be okay if we put a heat lamp out there?
  8. Louhi

    They stopped laying eggs completely

    Hello everyone I hope you can help me right here 10 days ago I moved my 75 chicken and 10 rooster to free-range they were loked in a barn and a little space to hangout for 7 months they started laying eggs in July 8th, 4 weeks ago the egg production started to drop down until it stopped...
  9. emmylu62

    Hens stopped laying when moved... 4 weeks ago!

    Hi All, looking for some advice... I moved my birds outside into a chicken tractor with poultry net pen to help protect the area from predators. There are 9 hens that are a year old, 4 sassy araucanas who are 4 months old and 3 Peking ducks. There are a few issues... 1) I was getting 9...
  10. EvansMeXo

    Coop almost complete, help with final check list???

    Hello everyone! My coop is finally close to being finished! It just needs to be painted (in progress ATM), a door installed for the chickens to get in and out/chicken ramp, and the hardware cloth installed in all the important places. So now I'm trying to think of all the other things 1) I'll...
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