
  1. Lol123

    Male or female muscovy duckling

    Hey, my muscovy duckling is 1 month old, am i right in saying its a male? I have no other ducklings to compare him to but its looking rather masculine to me 😅 any help is appreciated, thanks
  2. AmyA248

    “My flock of Muscovy ducks.” 🦆💕🥰

    Happy Saturday everyone! I just wanted to post some pictures of my flock of 9 Muscovy’s and 2 Pekins. I also want to thank all of you that helped me with some very scary situations with incubation and hatching, if it wasn’t for the help of this group, half of my flock would not be here today...
  3. FindleyFeatherFarm

    When will newly rehomed ducks start to lay?

    We had recently brought home 3 Muscovy hens for a Muscovy drake that we picked up a month ago. They are all around a year old. Both owners said that we should get quite a few eggs/chicks by August. (We are in Southern Illinois incase location is a factor). We are curious as to when they may...
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