nasal discharge

  1. RandomChickenGuy

    Chicken struggling to breath? Not worms?

    Some information to note before I explain the current symptoms - Slightly green brown poo, all my chickens have it, vet said there fecal was fine, had anathor chickens poo checked for parasites while she was getting a injection and none were found. - 3 years old - She is the...
  2. Wiccanchickens

    Chicken making rusty hinge noises

    My 2 year old Americana hen, Wendigo (Wendi for short) has been making a repetitive noise for the past hour that resembles that of a rusty hinge. She has clear nasal discharge and she sneezes occasionally but, other than that, she's eating and drinking good and looks and acts perfectly healthy...
  3. Kg2022

    Can anyone help identify poop? She Sick? EYP?

  4. A

    Respiratory Illness

    I have 5 chickens that have been battling a respiratory infection for about 3 weeks. They are about 15 weeks old. We've done a round of TerraVet in their water and they're still sick. They have coughs and clear nasal drainage. They are still active, eating, and drinking. We went to the vet today...
  5. T

    Silkie hen cant walk

    I have a young silkie hen who suddenly can't walk for an unknown reason. I checked her for injuries, but couldn't find any. She had some nasal discharge and feels kinda skinny, but she seems to be energetic and is still eating and drinking. I'm not sure when this started, but I found her...
  6. R

    Facial swelling due to colds accumulation -- chinese silkie

    Hi, I got four chinese silkies, but when they arrived they got colds. (Maybe due to the fact it was transported by a truck and heavy wind blowing) The male is the one with more symptoms as one side of its nasal sinus become swollen. Tried pressing thinking the accumulations will exit nasal...
  7. axon

    Most of my chickens are sneezing

    Hi, this is my first post on BYC :highfive: I have about 30 chickens (5 chicks). Most of them are pullets. One of them is incubating her laid eggs, while 3 of the pullets are still laying eggs now. About 40% of them sneeze, some of the pullets got clean nasal discharge with/without sneezing...
  8. Harun

    Hen with crusty nasal discharge

    I don't know when this happened, but one of my hens has some weird crusty discharge or something clogging her nostril. She's not lethargic and seems normal, but that stuff near her nose os disgusting. I don't know what to do. Any help is appreciated. Here's a picture:
  9. sjeastling83

    2 sick Buff Orpingtons 1+ yr old

    I have 2 girls, bff’s Rory & Phoebe, that have clear nasal drainage, cloudy/bubbly eyes and one of them has nasty yellow eye drainage in one eye. I noticed the Rory’s eye about a week ago, but she only had 1 eye that looked a little swollen and she was keeping it closed. I assumed there was...
  10. CosmoNOT

    1/2 Sized Sick Baby

    I need suggestion for treating a sick turkey, please! Turkey raising newbie... I received an order of day old turkeys, guinea fowl, and chickens from a hatchery on July 18th. One turkey never seemed to grow but was eating and drinking. This turkey is now obviously sick - half the size of the...
  11. strawberricatt

    Chicks Sneezing With Clear Discharge

    My darn silkies are at it again. Just picked up Baycox for coccidiosis from the vet. Now my chicks are sneezing again. They sneeze constantly. Only one has clear discharge in is tiny nostrils. I can't go to the vet again. They sneeze constantly,and have been for a little white (Like almost four...
  12. Mary Herb

    Sneezing 6 Month Old Chicken / Need Advice

    Hello! I am following up a previous thread related to my blue brahma, Blue. I adopted her at 2 months of age along with 3 other chickens who were at about 4 months of age from a ranch near my home. Within about 2 weeks Blue started showing signs of being sick but I didn't realize it, I thought...
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