natural egg hatching

  1. Bolfreak

    Mixed flock shared nest

    Trying to make the long story a shorter one…I have a mixed flock of heritage turkeys, various ages and geese and ducks that are the same age. 8 month old turkey hen started laying about 2 months ago, but as of about a month has been laying inside the duck nest. Two Cayuga ducks lay in there, one...
  2. A

    What would YOU do? Duck eggs day 28.

    I'm sure there are many posts that ask the same sort of question, but I feel that every situation is unique so I would like some input from all the pros out there in BYC Land :) I have a broody Khaki Campbell. She is 2.5 years old and paired with a KC drake of the same age. Today is day 28. She...
  3. missmaqs

    Day 7 Candling - Should we be further along? Is this OK?

    My rooster is still getting the hang of things, but I've let my broody Silkie sit for about seven days and I am not sure that the eggs are doing much? I am letting her hatch naturally / no incubator as I live in the desert. Was just wondering if these look viable. I noticed the air sack is...
  4. CristaBelle

    Letting a broody hen lie...

    I’ve had laying hens and an occasional rooster on and off for the last six or seven years... But recently we got an extraordinarily broody hen and decided to let her sit on her small batch of three eggs. We currently do have a rooster. He mounts most of the hens every morning so I figured that...
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