
  1. J

    Possible neurological problem

    I have flock of 6 pekin/muscovy ducks, 5 of them have no issues whatsoever, they are 6 months old. I had brought her in a couple weeks ago as she walked into a wall and wasn't hanging out with the other guys. I cleaned her up let her have two nights inside and when I put her back out she seemed...
  2. cedartrees

    3 y/o Wyandotte hen presenting sudden Neuro issues

    Hi everyone! I have a three year old s/l wyandotte hen who began presenting neurological issues sunday morning (3/8). I immediately separated her and deep cleaned everything, nobody else has shown symptoms and i've been trying to minimize any contact the other hens have with her. Sunday morning...
  3. fergyc2l2t316

    Chicken leaning head back

    One of my hens has been leaning her head back onto her back and acts like she has something caught in her throat. I can’t find anything on this but there is something wrong with her. Can anyone help me here please? She has been doing this on and off for a week or so. At first she was acting...
  4. R

    Duckling stuck on side after hatching

    My very first call duck hatch is complete. 7 out of 9 developed eggs hatched (2 malpositioned were not caught in time). wanted to share the experience of my last two ducks to hatch in case anyone else has the same thing happen. both were incubated at a cooler temp with extra humidity, I did not...
  5. RainValleyFarm

    Rouen duckling gender

    Not sure at what age you can start to tell the gender of a rouen? Waffles is neurological so she has been growing and developing a little slower. Yesteday she made her first “quack” sound and sounded very similar to my female Pekin quack. she is getting blue/green and purple tint to all her...
  6. auzzvacha

    2.5 week old mallard with twitching wings

    Hi, I have a 2.5 week old mallard duckling. She is a rescue so is with me all the time but we try to spend a couple hours a day outside with the other ducks so she can integrate back into being a duck as she grows. Because this is my first duckling I’m not sure if her actions are normal. Her...
  7. Strix Hill

    Chicken Declining rapidly, showing neurological symptoms

    Hi all - I have a chicken in rapid decline: She is a one year old Cream Crested Legbar. Symptoms started as weight loss during molt over the past week. Then lethargic (i.e. she doesn't try to get away when I go to pick her up - unusual, they aren't pets), not using roost, droopy wings...
  8. GoatDragonFarms

    Silkie, possible neurological issue. To cull?

    This is an especially rough one to ask about for me. Silkie hen, age unknown. Sold to me as a "9 month old" when I was younger and dumber 2 years ago. Suspect she is at least 5 now, if not older. Last Wednesday her rooster pecked her pretty good/bad at the back of the head, not sure why as we...
  9. Wee Timmy

    Ducking neuro problems, seizures, not eating.

    One of my buff duckings (5 weeks old) is acting very strangely. Seizures, neck twisting, walking in circles and not interested at all in following the others. I would say she’s acting blind. She also stands still and looks upwards for hours at a time. I have not seen her sit down in the past...
  10. C

    Chick nerologic, running in circles antibotic dosage???

    Hey guys i picked up some chicks today from store and they had just been delivered, still in shipping box. Got a few different breeds but one Road Island Red when i got home noticed it was acting VERY strange. It is acting like when a kid gets spun around a tire swing and their head kinda moves...
  11. Shananagan25

    Chick may have broken neck? Slobbering and shuffling backwards.

    So I have 12 chicks, about 4 weeks old. The bigger ones enjoy jumping into the edges of their box and roosting since they are inside and not outside. I have a feeling that one may have cluelessly jumped down on this smaller chick. She has been acting strange lately. She still eats and was...
  12. chicksinthecity

    Neurological issue in 4 week old chick?

    Hi everyone! We have 12 chicks that are about 4 weeks old. We hatched them ourselves and purchased the eggs from reputable local breeders. All are doing really well - happy and healthy except for one. About 10 days ago we found her huddled under the heat lamp with eyes closed and feathers...
  13. NDgoatgirlNV

    2-3 day old silkie chick has a twitchy head

    I was just given a silkie chick who is about 2 or 3 days old. It's legs kind of kick out straight behind it and it just kind of flops about and has trouble walking. I braced it's legs but it still had issues standing... also it's crop was empty when I picked it up tonight and I gave it some...
  14. Bubbles & Nibbles Mom

    Duck has scratched his neck raw!

    We live on property with kids and their ducks. We have a couple geese and wound up being primary caretaker of the flock. Think the kids thought it would be fun to have ducks and eggs until once the novelty wore off . They took this little Runner in to vet a few months back when he first...
  15. Sarah Leighty

    Injured hen will not drink, wounds significant

    Hello all- One of our girls got attacked by the neighbors 2 little dogs, and they pulled her skin off pretty good from neck down between wings, and on one side. She also got a bite on her chest. This was Tuesday 9/26. We cleaned with betadine solution/warm water spray, and have treated for...
  16. Bri's Goose

    Stumbling goose

    My goose is about seven months old. August 21st he was found in the coop during morning feed. He was unable to use his legs. He was rushed to a regular pet vet. She gave him a dose of pain med. Seemed to do better for a day. Then he stopped eatting. For about 11 days he didn't eat.Gave him...
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