new castle

  1. orangesplash

    New Castle Disease killed my White Sultan Female Adult and I am devastated

    I have no idea why these vaccines are out in the market that are useless. I use this vaccine orally for my chickens against New Castle Disease. On the 18th of January I vaccinated my chickens with the ND-IB new castle and infectious bronchitis vaccine. The chicken developed signs of New castle...
  2. Laineybug

    Kinda Terrified!

    So just read a bunch of terrifying posts about New Castles in Az on FB. It's in Coconino county and I am in Pima which is in vail/Tucson. However, it kinda has me scared for the Fair we have coming up in about 2 weeks. Would they cancel the shows if it got close? And is there any prevention...
  3. orangesplash

    Sudden deaths-i'm freaking out. please help ASAP

    yesterday one 6 month golden laced cochin died. today another minorca died... sent for post mortem & they said its New castle disease. though all the birds have been vaccinated just 5 days back. i am so worried that i can even put to words.... lost precious chickens.. and i am loosing them on...
  4. How I Legalized Chickens in My Town (Westchester, NY, USA)

    How I Legalized Chickens in My Town (Westchester, NY, USA)

    I'm 17 years old and I live in New Castle, New York in the now well-known hamlet of Chappaqua. My family has lived here for about 20 years, my parents moving here from New York City before I was born. We live on a 1 and 1/3 acre property. I got involved in 4-H about 3 years ago and since then I...
  5. AmazingRachel

    How I Legalized Chickens in My Town (Westchester, NY, USA)

    *Please refrain from getting political in the comments* I'm 17 years old and I live in New Castle, New York in the now well-known hamlet of Chappaqua. My family has lived here for about 20 years, my parents moving here from New York City before I was born. We live on a 1 and 1/3 acre property...
  6. AmazingRachel

    How I Legalized Chickens in My Town (Westchester, NY, USA)

    *Please refrain from getting political in the comments* I'm 17 years old and I live in New Castle, New York in the now well-known hamlet of Chappaqua. My family has lived here for about 20 years, my parents moving here from New York City before I was born. We live on a 1 and 1/3 acre property...
  7. How I Legalized Chickens in My Town (Westchester, NY, USA)

    How I Legalized Chickens in My Town (Westchester, NY, USA)

    *Please refrain from getting political in the comments* I'm 17 years old and I live in New Castle, New York in the now well-known hamlet of Chappaqua. My family has lived here for about 20 years, my parents moving here from New York City before I was born. We live on a 1 and 1/3 acre property...
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