new pullets

  1. SavageSixHomestead

    👋 from the Savage Family in SW MI

    Hi! Hello! 👋 We are brand spanking new chickrents & chiblings, here! (Only previous experience we are holding onto is that I grew up on a hobby farm in Florida for most of my childhood 😊) We have been researching and discussing how to grow our little “urban homestead” for a loooong time...
  2. S

    Mixing Pullets - Agressive-ish Isa Brown

    Hello all, apologies if this has already been covered but couldn't find a relevant thread. I have 8 pullets, 3 Isa Browns that are 19weeks, and a mix of 8week old breeds and a 12 week old Lavender Sussex. For the moment, I have the 5 little ones inside a cage in the coop, and the 3 isa browns...
  3. D

    Can pullets get tamed if not been handled?

    First time buying pullets and wonder if it will be difficult to tame them. I usually by babies and all mine are friendly. Anyone have experience with taming grown chickens who have not been handled much from the breeder?
  4. Tlco

    Introducing new 3.5 month old pullets

    Forgive the long post. I just got 4 new 3.5 month old hens. I already have 3 5mo old hens who are laying along with a rooster who is about 1 to 2 yrs old. The older hens and rooster have a nice hen house large enough for whole flock once together. Right now i have my new younger hens in their...
  5. Shannon93

    7 wo EE Diarrhea

    Hi all - Just purchased 2 7 week old EE pullets on Craigslist and have them quarantined from my flock. They seem like they are doing well, except that they both have loose poops- brownish, no blood. The woman I purchased them from seemed like she maintained her flock well. She was selling the...
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