new to hatching

  1. ElfenLied89

    Trying out hatching shipped

    I have an incubator I bought off of eBay which is pretty neat for how much it costs. It heats up, turns automatically, and has a candler light. Even has a water mister bottle, and a way to humidify the incubator. Picture of incubator is below. It has an external water control bottle. I don't...
  2. HatCo

    My chicks keep dying before they get out shell.

    We had a hen go broody on 6 eggs. We decided to let her hatch them. We are new to the chicken world. Our girls are a year & a half old. First chick got out the shell but a nickle sized piece stuck on her back (mama got it off). She lived two days. We weren't sure wheather to take her innside...
  3. M

    Hatching chicks

    Good evening from the great state of Texas. Been raising chicken for about 4 years. This is first time I have ever hatched chicks, got 5 out of 8.
  4. christiechic

    BROODY HENS HAVE FP and there are unhatched eggs

    I am hoping someone can give me some advice on a situation I have currently. I have three broody Silky Chickens who are just shy of a year old. Out of 11 eggs one has already hatched and beenMoved to my bathroom. The other two in that grouping didn’t hatch after 28 days. Initially I brought one...
  5. CrazyCluckinJones

    Development of Silkie Eggs - HELP!

    So I recently acquired some silkie eggs, the owner was unsure of how long they had been laid. Out of the dozen, 4 have obviously started developing [there are veins and dark areas and possibly an eye call] (I can post pictures tonight, as my house is bright!) and I'm wondering if there is any...
  6. S

    Wanting to start

    Hey y’all!!! I’m wanting to start my own small chicken business selling eggs and breeding them as well. I want to start out with 15-20 chicken ( I don’t know if that’s to many) I’m also thinking of using golden comets for max egg production and wanting to use fodder for my feed. As for my coop I...
  7. Chip_Chip_The_Rooster

    New to hatching, and having bacteria issues.

    I had noticed the mama hadn'tbeen laying on the eggs anymore, and 3 daysago when I went to go check on everybody I found a broken egg with a baby chick, and ants crawling all over the poor thing. Thismorning after moving the 3 remaining eggsto my room with a heat lamp anddehumidifier, I had...
  8. Chip_Chip_The_Rooster

    New to BackYardChickens, and hatching

    Hello all, I am new here, and I have some questions. I was recently given a rooster, hen, and 4 eggs that were fertile. I got them set up in my coop with my last remaining chicken, Nugget. 3 have passed away, and 2 ran away. Anyways so I had noticed the mama hadn't been laying on the eggs...
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