
  1. M

    Is vegetable oil safe for chickens?

    Hi! I recently switched my feed over to New Country Organics. I really like that they keep their grains whole and that it contains no soy. While looking over the ingredients, I noticed it had sunflower and vegetable oil. Based on my knowledge of oils, I know vegetable oils aren't good due to...
  2. amynw

    Wet Feather HELP

    Hello everyone, while my husband was changing his oil on Thursday, my goose Abby was hanging out around us and just as fast as I ran to the house to answer the phone, and my husband was wiping his hands off because the phone call was for him, my Abby plopped herself right down in the oil pan...
  3. Clappmeg

    Leg Mites

    Just got 3 chickens today that I did not know would have leg mites but unfortunately do :( I've dunked all 3 in a bath of baby oil for a couple minutes at a time and I have ivermectin drops on the way. When I get the ivermectin, how should I administer? Orally? On the back of the neck? And when...
  4. ChickNZ18

    Advice on oil. For nest/roost

    Hi, My babies a RIR cross chicks 2 weeks old with a broody mother hen. It's spring here temp around 10to 18°c They are getting to big for there current cage so I want to move them into a larger wooden dog kennel. Mother hen appears to have red mites. What is the best oil for chick health...
  5. ChickNZ18

    Advice on oil. For nest/roost

    Hi, My babies a RIR cross chicks 2 weeks old with a broody mother hen. They are getting to big for there current cage so I want to move them into a larger wooden dog kennel. Mother hen appears to have red mites. What is the best oil for chick health and mother hen to coat the kennel with...
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