
  1. Hannah12

    Wobbly but energetic chick with healthy poops, appetite, and drinking.

    I hatched my very first egg almost a week ago. Baby is smaller than the other chicks I got from bomgaars but is also a few days younger. His wings are looking funny as well I’ll attach a pic. So he’s wobbly when he stands. Otherwise has great energy, drinks, eats, poops well, and is loved by all...
  2. ChickaChicka1

    What's your favorite brooder box?

    So many people have so many different opinions on what their favorite thing to use as a chick brooder box is. So I'm putting it out there - what's your absolute favorite thing to use? Be sure to comment with any specific things you do with your brooder, and to add anything not on the list that...
  3. J

    Sand vs. Shavings. Opinions/advice?

    Question for you guys. I have a roughly 6x8 ft (floor space, they've got some roosting rods and they're nesting nooks as well raised from the floor in the coop) raised coop for my 19 strong flock of 6-7 week old chicks, and I'm currently using Pine Shavings inside of it. I live in North-Western...
  4. G

    A cat issue?

    Over the past 2 weeks, we've come outside to dead chickens, some without their head and neck, some with only half of their body eaten, others dried up, and some with just the structure of the wings and feathers left. I've done many research as to who the predator could be, since we fence our...
  5. Joylime322

    Ducklings and Quailings?

    Happy morning BYC Community! I may have done a thing.... My neighbors duck recently laid an a few eggs and when they cracked one open to eat there were cells and a few veins! So I took the other egg (on impulse hehe) and stuck it in my NR 360... But I have 25 quail eggs arriving on Friday...
  6. BekahHah

    Saddle apron for jumbo quail??

    Hmm, I wonder if they sell saddle aprons for quail or DIY for them too.. let me know what you think.
  7. LunaMarieWolf

    Assist hatching vs Natural hatching?

    Hello everyone! I was just wondering what people think about assist hatching vs natural hatching? I have always done assist hatching after piping externally, because I have had chicks who had died inside the shell because of shrink wrapping. Also I have had to assist hatch because of the...
  8. MallardMomx2

    Best duck breeds??

    Hello everyone! I am looking for some mates for my handsome mallard drake, Quackers. For the past 10 months it’s just been him and his lady, Mallory. (Also a mallard.) He’s in need of some more ladies. What’s everyone’s favorite (small) breed of duck? Best layers? Friendliest? Is it best to...
  9. earth_toes

    Earth Loving Chicken Lady!

    Hello All! I am beginning the journey of making our property into our own little homestead, complete with .... you guessed it! ... chickens! I am a seasoned gardener who takes pride in everything I do, and am always looking for ways to improve. I'm open to any suggestions and words of wisdom for...
  10. Vhope77

    Incubation help please

    i have eggs on day 15 I know that most of them may not be good as the temp went up over 103 degrees for a few days due to a bad thermometer but I need a second opinion . There a four eggs I know are good and going to hatch but the rest are questionable to me the four that are good look like the...
  11. E.D.GardenFarm

    Wart like things on chickens comb, Pictures provided.

    Saw this on the chickens comb today and not sure what to think about it, she's one of a batch of rescue ex-caged hens so condition is not brilliant but we would like to make sure no one gets any worse. She's about 15 months old and we've had her for almost 3 weeks. There is a bit of dried blood...
  12. coltgrizzz

    What breed is this roo?

    I rescued this roo a year ago when he was a chick. Someone in an apartment in Elizabeth NJ wanted to keep his as a pet in a small parakeet cage. He’s now fully grown. Since we got him from the animal shelter, we didn’t have any contact with his previous owner. Can anyone take a guess as to what...
  13. H

    Name advise needed

    Hello everyone, I am Changing my name, When i first made this account i just thought of any random name lol, But now i kinda want a name with more thought put into it. Im asking for your guys opinions, Because usually i have the most ridiculous names. Around five years ago i had a name called...
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