
  1. woodlandd

    Impacted crop?

    I didn't realize that the feeder was empty for a while and one of my chickens gorged herself on food when I refilled it maybe 3 hours ago. She looks almost like she's gagging while her crop moves up and down. Her crop itself is enlarged and hard, but she's acting fine besides that. I've given...
  2. BCChicky

    Feeding advice required please!

    Hello all, I have a flock of 12 days old Cornish Cross broilers. I have never had meat birds before and need some advice on feeding as there are so many differing opinions. The articles section on BYC says that a light should be left on during the night to encourage feeding but I am fearful...
  3. jeepgrrl

    I think I have been overfeeding my hens?

    Good day everyone, I hope I am not starting a redundant thread but I searched and couldn't find the info I am seeking. I am looking for advice on feeding my hens. I have recently lost two of my girls, one yesterday who died in my arms, and another one about a month ago who I found in the...
  4. jeepgrrl

    Jumbo sized eggs overnight??? Is this normal???

    Hi everyone! I've posted a pic below this post of the eggs that were laid yesterday, two of which are HUGE! I've never seen any this big before, even at the grocery. The jumbo white egg came from Gertie, my Leghorn and the other large brown egg I'm pretty sure came from Lucy, my New Hampshire...
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