owl attack

  1. Brooke Carson

    Owl Attack Injury

    On Sunday morning, as we were getting ready for church, we discovered 6 of our 12 chickens dead (2 were decapitated, the others had injuries on the nape of their necks.) A google search suggested raccoons or owls as the culprit. As it happened in the morning and as we thought owls less likely...
  2. B

    Canine or Raptor?

    Hi everyone. Looking for answers hoping for closure. My baby was attacked and killed. The organs were lying to the right of the feathers. To the right of these was a small short trail of more feathers. Nothing else left. Mostly looks like feathers were plucked however a few of them are broken...
  3. C

    Are hawks and raccoons the only decapitators ?

    Actually now that I think about it, owls eat heads off as well. . . So wasteful. ANYWHO - a little over a week ago we had a nighttime attack, 3 chicks were maimed enough to be culled, 2 went completely missing and we found feathers about 50 yards away, near the base of the tree and 2...
  4. PioneerChicks

    What Kinds of Raptors have Attacked your Poultry?

    I am wondering what kind of raptors (aka birds of prey) have attacked your poultry before. By attack I mean dive and attack (or attempt to attack) them, successful or not. Please vote on the poll and post a comment about wether the raptor caught the chicken/duck/whatever or not and (if you...
  5. DuckMama9

    How to keep Owls Away

    I am raising backyard ducklings and there’s an owl(s) in the neighborhood. One swooped down over my flock twice one morning and I had to scare it off. This morning it picked up and took the head clean off of a young dove in my yard! I can’t help but think that could’ve been one of my...
  6. R3M1X

    Silent and deadly...

    I don't know what it is, but there have been three chickens between 8 weeks and 12weeks old go missing by something. I assume that same thing went after my 9 week old duck and caused damage to her eye... it's all happened in the afternoon/evening time (after 4 pm) the first one happened two days...
  7. D

    Emergency please help.

    An owl got into the coup last night and sadly took out 8 of my chicken and injured a couple more. The one injury has me seriously troubled though and I need help fast as I'm new to chickens and have no one here with me. I checked on the remainder of chickens and one is acting really odd. The...
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