partridge penedesenca

  1. 0range

    7 week Partridge Penedesenca

    I adore this chick but have always suspected it may be male. What do you all think? It's a 7 week old hatchery Partridge Penedesenca.
  2. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Partridge penedesenca behaviors

    I purchased a partridge penedesenca chick in April amongst 9 other chicks to start my flock. I thought the breed was pretty and would compliment the others well. Usually she’s very aloof and flighty. This weekend she started charging the children. She even pecked my friends’ son on the ankle...
  3. KHoward

    ISO Partridge Penedesenca

    I live in Boston and am looking for Partridge Penedesenca chickens. They can be juveniles, day-old chicks, or hatching eggs. Thank you in advance!
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