
  1. Nenanicole

    Peckin duck Leg Issue

    Hi everyone! I got 5 peckin ducklings from TSC (I know this is not recommended) and everything has been great! They are 6 weeks old and fully white now! One of my ducklings had issues with its leg being turned in from the time we got them. She has always struggled walking because she steps on...
  2. O

    Violet, My Eye, and An Intro.

    Hi everyone. I have 87 birds. 8 turkeys, and 79 hens. Today one of my lead egg layers, 2 years old, a California Tan chicken, was placed back with her own breed after spending some times with our older Easter Eggers due to pecking. So I put her in the other coop, and I walked away for a moment...
  3. LadyCogburn

    Pecking at feet?

    Hi all. We moved our chicks (6 weeks) into their coop yesterday. We have 5 Bantam Silkies and 10 Rhode Island Reds. We woke up to 3 of the Silkies having broken, bleeding feathers on their feet and the RIRs wouldn't stop pecking at them. We took care of the broken feathers, sprayed them with...
  4. H

    Baby chicks pecking each other

    How do I stop my baby chicks from pecking each other’s head feathers out ? I have two 3 week old white crested black chicks that , bully the rest of the babies and they and only they do this Update : I think I figured it out , the pecking really only stared when thier extra top head feathers...
  5. S

    Chucks pecking each other

    Hi I have 8 ladies and for the last 2years or so have been quite happy and laying well a few months ago they lost most of there feathers from the back ends ( which I’m guessing is moulting?) but lately a couple of them have started pecking and drawing blood on some of the others any help would...
  6. Olive_Egger

    Aggressive Buff Orpington

    For some background info, I'm trying out raising backyard chickens to see how it goes. I have 6 chicks, all but two are different breeds. I have an Araucana, ISA Brown, Olive Egger, 2 Light Brahmas, and of course, a Buff Orpington. My chicks are only about a month old so I don't know if I...
  7. Desertvalleychickens

    My Little Chicken Coop/Flock!

    This is going to not have a lot of pictures, but i'll talk about them! One little picture of the flock at sunrise. These are my chicks near their little nest. Leghorn in the nest. Some hens! Chickens at night. My roo walking Picture of my chickens day-roosting I'll post more pics and...
  8. Desertvalleychickens

    Can I Stop My Alpha Hen From Pecking The Other Hens On The Roost?

    My alpha hen is sitting right near my rooster on the roost in the night and it does not break fights so the hen keeps pecking the other lower-ranking hens. Is there a solution for that?
  9. H

    Chicken won't stop biting my feet! Aggressive, Dominant or Attention Seeking?

    Hello! I have 4 beautiful EEs that Ive raised ever since they were chicks. They are good girls, the best chickens, even the vet said that they're very docile and almost loving birds. I am having troubles with one of my girls, she likes to peck at my feet! It doesn't hurt but it is very annoying...
  10. MorningCrowing

    SOLUTION: Pecking Issues to the point of death

    Our family has major pecking issues. HELP!
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