
  1. P

    Pheasant with twisted leg. Please help! Last attempt to save him.

    Hi, I’ve got a pheasant chick who I thought had spraddle leg, he was hobbled for 4 days and then was able to walk. I noticed when he was about 2 weeks he was twisting in the body over to one side and since then his leg has deteriorated badly. He’s now nearly 4 weeks and his leg sticks out at an...
  2. S

    Duckling slipped tendon?

    Is this a slipped tendon? And is it at both the hock and the foot? This duckling has had problems with this leg from the start, and either I couldn't see this before or it's somehow been injured since then. Some kind of developmental defect happened because that back toe is completely missing...
  3. E

    Treating perosis/slipped tendon in chicks - vet visits

    Hey guys, I just wanted to do some knowledge sharing. I just lost my first chick today, she died during a vet performed surgery from heart failure. Some chicks with perosis also have heart problems and there was also the additional risk with her being only 4 weeks old. She was a runt, about...
  4. warmnfluffy

    Chick with Slipped Tendon! I Need Advice!

    This is my first chick I've had with a slipped tendon, really any foot injury at all. I noticed she wasn't putting any weight on her left leg last night and after researching vigorously came to the conclusion she had perosis. I followed instruction and was able to slip the tendon back in place...
  5. mblack03

    Perosis: Opposite (unslipped) leg giving out

    Hi everyone!! I've recently hit a little bit of a wall here and would really like some advice. I have a 5/6 week old mallard, Moe, that has perosis/slipped tendon in her left leg. Recently, she's been doing great! She can stand like a normal duck and, while a little goofy looking, she can get...
  6. B

    Chick with Perosis (slipping tendon).

    Hi all just wanted to show you my chick sling. I made this from a tall slim plant pot and a pair of my wifes socks. If you have any advise or questions please don't hesitate to post your thoughts thanks Phil.
  7. guardianoftheflock

    Perosis in turkey...

    Hi y'all! This year I bought and had been raising 8 bronze turkeys. We lost 4 to what I'm assuming was pneumonia. Yesterday, we went out and found that one of our turkeys legs were are bent and deformed. I researched it and found that it wasn't anything like a slipped joint. It was perosis. When...
  8. T

    Slipped tendon in 7 week chick?

    I checked on my chick today had it wasn't walking around properly. When I got it when it was around 1 day old it had a slipped tendon. I fixed that in the first 2 weeks and no issues were seen for 5 weeks. It just turned 7 weeks today and it looks like the tendon may have slipped out of place...
  9. TheBeardie

    27 day old chick with slipped tendon. How to reduce swelling?

    When I was cleaning the brooder today I noticed of of My chicks leg is bending strangely. It's bending back and to the side. I've changed two things. I've put up some roosts and changed to bedding to some puppy pads because the chicks where eating the paper towels. The joint looks swollen but...
  10. Faverolle Lover

    Injured/Crippled 4-Week Old Chick

    I just recently got a chick from a friend and it appears to be injured/crippled. It is a four-week-old but it's stunted as it looks like it's only two weeks. After examining it for a bit I think that the problem is due to the tendon on the back of the hock. The original owner said that both legs...
  11. P

    Maybe spraddle leg but she's 6 weeks old...

    Hi - looking for help figuring this out My 6 week old lacewing wyandotte is walking funny and has one leg turned outwards, and it slides out in front of her - just like spraddle leg. I was under the impression that I would have seen this sooner and it's not something that develops after 6 weeks...
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