pheasant laws

  1. NinjaGamer2022

    Do I need a permit in Ohio to own this pheasant?( + chukar partridge care questions.

    So far as long as I'm correct the only pheasants I can not own are ringneck pheasants (right?). Hoover Hatchery claims to sell chukar partridge ( If I can I may get some in the future. As well as care here are some questions I have: Are Chukar...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    Do you need a license to own Chukar and/or Pheasants in Ohio?

    I may in the further future get some of these birds if I can own them without a license. Thx,
  3. AvianBrain

    Licence needed for Keeping Pet pheasants?

    Hello, I have ordered Ringneck pheasant eggs and going to incubate them in my cheap incubator so I could imprint and get them tame(ish). I am in the state of Rhode Island and need to know if I need a licence to legally keep these birds for pets, even if I don't breed them? I have read the pages...
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