pink eye

  1. mukasorehari

    Slightly Sunken Foamy Eye with Pink Membranes (Photo)

    Dear BYC, please help me to figure this out… My favorit White Brahma hen, Vanessa Paradis, has this two layer of pink membranes on her right eye, it doesn’t move. It’s not the third eyelid, her third eyelid still function normally… It makes her left eye sunken a little bit than the right eye. I...
  2. A Few Fowl Issues

    A Few Fowl Issues

    So truly I want to pick up where I left off with my last article. When I wrote my last article I was riding a heady wave of combined luck and positive progress. Our birds were doing great, with no major incidents. We learned the daily needs, requirements and supplies for chicken and turkey...
  3. B

    Coryza in quail? Help!

    Hello, i have 16 quail that are all about 5-6 weeks old. One of the chicks from day one has had what looks like conjunctivitis. Pink swollen eyes, crusty and runny with no other symptoms. I treated him by pressing a warm wet wash cloth against the eyes and removing any residue. Both of his eyes...
  4. M

    A blind Goat

    Hi, I'm fairly new to the site, but I keep goats along with my various poultry and I'm hoping I can ask a question about them here. I have a goat, who on Friday June 7th was behaving strangely like he couldn't see well. On closer inspection I found his eyes were cloudy and looked inflamed on...
  5. P

    Guinea Fowl not eating / sitting alot

    Hi! I have a single male fowl by the name of Junior living with my brood of chickens (8 hens + one rooster + one Jr.) right now. Recently, Junior got an eye infection from either coming into contact with something dirty or from being pecked at by the rooster, we're not too sure, and while we...
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