possible bumblefoot

  1. S

    Does this look like bumblefoot?

    I was giving my 4-year old Barred Plymouth Rock a butt bath after several days of very rainy weather and noticed these lumps on her feet. She has had no issues with walking – no limping, etc., so I hadn’t noticed them. She eats, drinks, poops, forages, and lays normally. She squats to have me...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    Rooster with super swollen feet/ankles and Sticktight Flea infestation

    Yesterday I noticed one of my favorite roosters was having trouble walking, so I separated him from the flock and put him in a enclosure where he could see other chickens, but be separate from them. I also found out he has slicktight flea infestation, I checked his fellow roosters and I couldn't...
  3. T

    Trevor the (totally) TransDuck

    Hello! Uh I don’t really know what I’m doing. I joined because I’m worried my pet duck might have bumblefoot and wanted to ensure I was treating it right. This is my lovely Muscovy boy (he’s actually a girl, but I’m trans and when my dad tried switching the ducks pronouns to she when we figured...
  4. Harun

    Does my hen have bumblefoot?

    One of my 2 brown girls seems to have two brown circles on both of her feet. She hangs out on a higher perch and flies down from it when ready to leave the coop. She's quite hefty as well. Here are pictures of the two brown spots: If she has bumblefoot, how do I get rid of it?
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