possible rooster

  1. Pato Pointe Farm

    Serama Hatching- Possible Roo?

    Hello BYC Friends! I am Shannon with Pato Point Farm LLC. :frow I recently ordered Serama chicken hatching eggs from EBay. I know this is always a gamble with odds against successful hatchings, but living in a rural area, it's not easy finding what you want. SO! Today is Day 22. On day 20...
  2. CloneFly

    Time for the guessing game!

    So... despite having added 8 chicks to our flock back in April bringing us to a total of 20, chicken math struck again and persuaded us that we need 2 cuckoo marans, 3 amererucanas and 1 white leghorn. I've wanted these breeds for a while, so no complaint... but we're at 3wks and I'm seeing...
  3. Missythechickenlady

    Hen or rooster and if hen something not right??

    So this chickens name is hoppy because it just hops around. It looks like a rooster. I do have a black australorp rooster as well. It is in one of the pictures anyway I'm not sure if it is a boy or girl and there is definitely something not right. Its tail is sideways and it has some kind of...
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