pros and cons

  1. CHlCKEN

    Guineas or Pheasents?

    I want to raise guineas or pheasents. The pros of guineas are that they can be free ranged, and will eat the tick and things that are the biggest problem here. They will also pick ya horse manure and such. I like guineas because they are all such an array of different colors. the cons are that...
  2. CHlCKEN

    Should I get Guineas or Pheasents.

    I want to raise guineas or pheasents. The pros of guineas are that they can be free ranged, and will eat the tick and things that are the biggest problem here. They will also pick ya horse manure and such. I like guineas because they are all such an array of different colors. the cons are that...
  3. DecT

    Has anyone got a Brick coop

    Has anyone got a Brick coop? tips pls ... pros and cons.... oh, and pics too MT
  4. FathertoFeathers

    Duck Breeds

    I have a list of duck breeds the I'm interested in getting but I need people who have these breeds to tell me how they do. 1. Cayugas 2. Silver Appleyards 3. Magpies 4. Buff orpington 5. Saxony 6. Welsh Harlequins 7. Crested What are the pros and cons of these breeds? Which ones are good for...
  5. LunaMarieWolf

    Good incubator or not? Little Giant Deluxe Incubator

    Hi! I am looking to buy a new incubator and upon looking down the chicken aisle in my local Farmers Co-Op I found an incubator. It's called a Little Giant Deluxe Incubator with egg turner. It was priced at 124.25 (without taxes) and I was wondering if it was a good deal for the price or what...
  6. RLynn

    Chicken Pros and Cons?!?

    I am dying to start my own flock of chickens and have been researching everything I can about them for right at 2 years now. The one thing holding me back is my husband is 50/50 on them. He likes the thought of having them but a coworker of his has them and says she cleans the coop regularly but...
  7. Cyprus

    Broody vs Incubator Pros and Cons

    Hello friends :) Has anyone used both a broody hen and an incubator to hatch chicks? If so, what are some pros and cons to each and, in your opinion, which is a better investment? Thanks in advance, Cyprus :frow
  8. Liv_loves_chickens

    Heat Lamp for silkies Yes/No?

    Hi everyone! I was wondering what your guys thoughts were on Heat lamps? I currently have a coop of two silkie bantams and two Australorps.If you have ever seen a silkie chicken you know that that their feathers are Very different and I am afraid that my silkies will get to cold during this...
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