
  1. V

    Mites on 19 day hatching eggs and broody

    Hey! Help! Two days ago we noticed a few mites on our broody hen. She and her eggs are separated from the flock, but in just two days the mites are everywhere! What can I do that will be safe for the hen and eggs? I’ve got another “broody hotel” I can move her in, but should I wash her, wash the...
  2. fishinthewater

    Dead chickens- infection? pyrethrin poisoning?

    I have (had) four chickens in a chicken tractor that moves every few days. I came home from a weekend away to find my rhode island, who had been looking a little droopy before I left (which I attributed to molting), with what I believe was water belly. She was only three, and it never got any...
  3. Curnow

    Permectrin II (pyrethrin) scaly leg mites

    Hello All, Wondering if you think this treatment would work for scaly leg mites. I have a flock of about 65. I have a bottle of Permectrin II (pyrethrin) that is labeled for chicken mites(general statement on label). It is a contact killer, and is labeled for used on poultry. However, I am...
  4. K

    LICE! Help- I’m new! Is this safe??

    AFC27D47-4954-47D4-A99C-C3DE89A09E34 by karigirl posted Aug 24, 2018 at 10:33 AM Can I spray my flock & coop with this? Also, I have a broody sitting on 4 eggs. Do I disturb her and treat her and all the bedding around her as well?? Thanks for your help!
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