quail injury

  1. T

    Makes fighting

    Hey all, I didn’t have a successful hatch with quail this year, and ended up with two males and two females. I understand this is not a good ratio, but my options are limited. These quail hatched aug 8 and live in a 6sqft hutch and have a ramp that leads down into a fenced outdoor area...
  2. M

    Emergency quail help.

    Okay. So my quail has a huge swell on her joint. And it’s not going away. It has doubled in size over the weeks I don’t have an avian vet near me at all. The closest one is 200 miles away or so. They just are not common in my area. I saw someone on here who lanced their birds and I cannot find...
  3. M

    Quail swollen joint

    Hey guys! I have a little quail who has had a swollen joint on one leg. It has had mild improvements but was curious on other folks opinions. I don’t have an avian vet in the area. I just want to make sure she is doing well and improves.
  4. J

    Dislocated hips or splayed legs?

    Hello all, Once again I'm hoping to benefit from the wisdom of people with more quail experience than me. On Sunday one of my three Japanese quail chicks developed trouble walking. It is 1.5 weeks old and has had no trouble with splayed hips or any other issues/abnormalities (that I could see)...
  5. AccidentalQuailKeeper

    Mouse Attack resulted in lethargic, drowsy quail with puffy eyes and slight head trauma

    Hello, I have 3 japanese coturnix quails which I have kept outside for about a week now. Due to a stupid oversight, a mouse got in and ended up injuring one of my quail. Whether she was attacked or bonked her head on the roof of their cage I am unsure. Regardless when I found her she was...
  6. Ren-Sin

    Quail injury, possible infection, don't know what it is or how to help.

    So these are technically my mum's quail, but my younger brother and I look after them the most. The one I need help with may need putting down, so I wanted to see if their is anything I could do for her before I take her. And please keep in mind that I've only just managed to not only get my...
  7. kurby22

    Best way to treat quail with bleeding head wound?

    So my three Celadons are finally outside in their own pen, so they have tons of space. I know one is a male as he just crowed at me the other day, but the other two are not yet crowing so I am not sure about them. I discovered that one of the “not sure yets” had a crack in its beak that was...
  8. J

    Care for Quail that lost feathers

    So a week or so ago rats managed to get into our quail enclosure. Only 3 of them survived and one of them has lost a significant amount of feathers. Many flight feathers seem to be missing but there's been no bleeding. What I’m more worried about is her back. Her entire bottom up to where her...
  9. Slilly16

    Injured Quail

    Hi All, It’s my first time raising quail, and first time posting on BYC. Looking for some advice as I have discovered two injured females in the past 2 days. As a bit of background, I hatched 2 groups of quail during lockdown. The first group consisted of 3 males, so once they were fully grown...
  10. I

    Swollen leg on quail

    Today I was cleaning out my baby quails, they’re just over three weeks old. I noticed one limping and saw it’s foot which was incredibly swollen. When I picked it up and examined it there appeared to be a human hair coming from the cut - it looks like there’s a hair wrapped around the leg and...
  11. O

    HELP! One legged quail... Cull?

    I got a one legged quail today... about 5-6 weeks maybe? He’s not able to stand on one foot. The other foot is almost twisted completely backwards, too. He just scoots/crawls, and it’s incredibly difficult for him to get around. I’m not sure if this is a birth deformity or an injury. This makes...
  12. S

    Help, my quail is paralyzed??

    My female king quail’s back legs seem to be paralysed. She cant seem to move them, and if I flip her onto her back she is unable to roll back over, so i think her hips/lower spine are affected as well. She also doesnt seem to be using her wings much to escape, but she can use them. I noticed...
  13. MichelleKing

    Quail can't wallk help

    Found my favorite quail laying down on her side in her habitat. I picked her up to see if she was ok and her legs were stiff sticking out. I thought maybe she was going to die. I fed her nutridrench and B12 liquid mixed together, and then water. She drank a ton. I put her in a box on a bunch of...
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