rat snake

  1. D

    Muscovy Setup and Rat Snake Safety

    Early this may I had 5 tiny muscovies ducklings. After I lost two, I put a large dog crate in my room that I keep the ducks in from 8:30pm-10:00am. During the day the ducklings are released into the duck run to frolic until the sun starts setting, rinse and repeat. I've kept this up for a couple...
  2. EllieandOlive

    Caught a 6ft snake eating my chicken!

    Well, we've finally found the culprit! We have lost about 4 dozen fertilized eggs that my 5 ducks had been broody on. They were about 3/4 the way developed, and were slowly disappearing a few at a time. Stupid me, a snake didn't even cross my mind! I kept thinking opossum maybe? My birds weren't...
  3. F

    Chicken with snake bite

    I seen a snake near the coop. I went to go get a shovel to “take care” of it, but by time I returned it was gone. It looked like it was a rat snake but I’m not certain. When closing up the coop for the night, I noticed one of my hens had a snake bite on her wing. You could see the two fang...
  4. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Beware of Rat Snakes **GRAPHIC IMAGES**

    Hey everyone. I'm posting this as a warning about large rat snakes, which are commonly regarded as helpful to keep around for pest control. We recently had seen several in our coops--one of them over 5 feet long--and caught/released them thinking they were harmless (despite the egg casualty) and...
  5. MomJones

    I Hate Surprises...

    Edited. For some reason I can't upload the images but it was an adult grey rat snake. They're beneficial so I don't want to kill him (although he does frustrate the hell outta me--I've seen him a few times now and never been able to catch him). So my plan is to make a snake trap using rope...
  6. veebeebee

    Rat Snake Killing my Chickens!

    I wanted to share this story about a huge yellow rat snake that killed 2 of my pullets last week so others are informed and aware that this could happen...as I had zero clue a rat snake would strangle my babies! About 4 weeks ago I found a large 5+Ft yellow rat snake in my coop. There were 2...
  7. Squishychicken

    Duck bitten by snake multiple times

    @silkie10 So I came home today and pulling up to the house heard my ducks and chickens going off louder then normal. I though "huh that's odd somethin must be up". I was gonna go back there but I wanted to run inside and check to see if any of my chicks hatched. So I go inside a minute later my...
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