red sexlink

  1. tabs_flock

    Some idea/No experience but sick hen

    Okay So. I have this red sexlink. She turned 1 year last month and has been acting pretty normal as of 4/18 and by normal, I mean she is digging, scratching, exploring, trying to get into new spots. Part of this involved digging under our deck last week. Part of it's involved getting into the...
  2. H

    Hen making trilling sound. What does it mean?

    Here’s a video of my 4-year-old Red Sexlink, Ginny, making a strange trilling sound. This was just happening when they were all standing outside huddled together in their pen cause of the cold. Anyone ever heard this before? I’m really curious what it means!
  3. TwentyOneChickens

    Difference between Red Star and Red Sexlink?

    This thought just crossed my mind. I have 12 -- oh wait, 11 now :hit -- Red Sexlinks and I was wondering if there was a difference between Red Stars and Red Sexlinks and what it is.
  4. ShrekDawg

    Sex Links

    So I probably can't get any more chickens right now and even if I did l, I have other breeds I want to try first but when I first got my chickens two years ago, one of the breeds I was considering was sex links. I decided against them because I read they don't tend to live long and tend to have...
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