
  1. G

    Hen with extreme respitory infection

    Hello everyone. Someone I know that has chickens is out of town, and I was tasked with helping her sick hen. I do not know her breed, but she is a very mini breed, possibly a form of bantam. She probably weighs 2-3 lbs. She is 4 years old. I could not see any noticable bubbles in her eyes or...
  2. Chickenwithnobrim

    Bird with few symptoms drops dead

    Hi, my beloved ameraucana just died suddenly, im hoping i can send for necropsy. she was having some respitory symptoms for almost a week -slight wheezing, sudden cough that came on this morning- but was eating and behaving normally, she even jumped up to bed like normal this evening, and my...
  3. H


    I’m at a loss as to what is wrong with my chicken. I thought Mereks but a lot of people are saying it’s not. My chickie (Boots, hatched july 4, a silkie cochin mix) Was let out of the coop Tuesday morning and was just laying by herself, i noticed she could barely walk so i took her inside. for...
  4. Angel25

    How can I save my hens?

    Hi there. I have been keeping chickens for over a decade and have been having a huge string of bad luck recently. Most of my girls I get as day olds and raise. When they are old ebough, they go out with the main flock. I currently have 11 hens and 4 chicks who are 11 weeks old (seems likely to...
  5. F


    I’ve had problems with humidity in the incubator but overall it hasn’t been too bad until now. 9 out of 11 turkeys hatched fine but I have two that are gasping for air, every time they breathe it makes a sticking popping sound which I guess means they have some sort of fluid in their lungs. I’m...
  6. K

    Gapeworm? Respiratory?

    Merida (one of our chickens as shown in the video) has been breathing heavily (like expanding her neck) more often, sneezing/coughing, head shaking, and possibly hiccups? She doesn’t “gape” it open and she has been eating normally as far as I can tell. Eyes have seemed clear, but she sometimes...
  7. M

    Baytril dose and type?

    I’m looking at buying baytril (the oral solution) for my hen that has a sinus infection. Should I buy the 10% or the 2.5? and what is the correct dosage? she’s about 10 years old and I’d say around 4-5 pounds
  8. micknapp

    Respiratory symptoms that come & go??

    Hi all, I’m new to owning chickens and i have flock of ten (10) five week old (5) pullets. Recently i noticed a chick in the back of the brooder opening her beak to breathe, breathing very heavy, sneezing (no nasal discharge, or discharge from the eyes, or discharge coming from anywhere). I...
  9. A

    Sick hen please help....

    I have a young hen, 7 months old, that began sneezing and rattling a few weeks ago. I quarantined her and she seemed better after a week so I returned her to the flock thinking maybe it was allergies. After 2 days she was stick again. Quarantined her again for two weeks. She still sneezed...
  10. KimberlyL3

    Respiratory illness in 5 mth old polish

    is there a human antibiotic that has the same bioavailability as chicken antibiotics that I can give my chick. I’ve been using tylan 50 with no avail. I know there will be biased opinions on this but someone let me know what human antibiotic might work. It’s not going to hurt that’s fir sure
  11. C

    Sick chicken-pale comb

    Hello! I am new to this forum, and hoping someone has had the same experience with their chicken . My 3 year old Golden Buff Red Star has stopped laying, and I noticed her comb is very pale with a blueish tint around the edges. I checked her for mites and lice and I do not see anything on her...
  12. grumpycupcake

    Baby Chicks with possible Respiratory Illness

    (Reposted) Hello! I have a flock of 8 beautiful mixed breed chicks. I originally had just 4 bantam breeds (2 brown old english and 2 black ones) but then my father got 4 more regular sized chickens from a coworker of his, all of whom are mixed kinds. We have had them for 4 days and I’ve noticed...
  13. RhodeIslandRedHead

    Identifying my Chickens problem

    Hello All, I found my Rhode Island Red gasping for air, making loud noises and laying on the ground, a few min after I picked her up, she seemed to be fine. I immediately separated her from the flock in fear of AIB. Its been two days (still quarantined) and she will not squawk or call out. When...
  14. Chickens are the best

    Help!! Raspy breathing and coughing

    One of my pullets has raspy breathing, she keeps coughing/sneezing, and she wasn't eating or drinking this morning, but I have to leave early and I get home late so I haven't had much time to observe her. I bed their house with wood chips and they have 4-5 inches of ventilation. I haven't...
  15. H

    Roo making gurgling sounds. Help!

    Last night I went to close up the coop and my roo was snoring. I thought it was hysterical so I recorded him doing it. This morning when I let them out he was still doing it. Now I'm panicking. He doesn't have any other symptoms. No swelling, paleness, eating and drinking although maybe a bit...
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