
  1. G

    Egg laying Poll ( please check out!!!)

    :frowHi everyone! I've created a poll on when your pullets first come into lay. Thanks for clicking on it and please enter!!!:D:fl I will be posting results in 20 days so please come back then and check to see results:) Now one more thing before you begin: after you post your answer you MUST...
  2. SniperGoose

    Peck the halls

    Results from my thread I posted a few days ago! Only 2 people entered, so you guys both get art of your feathered friends! :) These were fun to do, and I managed to find time to get them done before Christmas! Merry Christmas you guys! Hope you like them. First, @HuffleClaw Next, @MillersFarm
  3. Quacking Pigeon

    Quacking Pigeon- Duck Show results

    I’ve been showing ducks since 2017 (yes I’m still new at this). These are my birds results. Feel free to ask any questions about showing. Key (legend): Note: If there were multiple shows in a year the results will be numbered to what Show was first. Fox- Taken by fox or other death S1- First...
  4. (chicken pun)

    Best Breed Contest Results and Apologies

    The Best Breed Contest is finally over and have crowned a champion winning by just one vote, Easter Eggers! I've been pretty busy, so I haven't been able to get involved much at all, or keep an eye on it. Was this a fun contest? I would love to hear your opinion and if enough people like it...
  5. Naz223

    Results from lead tested egg

    I found out a couple months ago that my chickens were eating lead pellets from my back yard. So I sent one egg from each chicken to a lab in Seattle. Unfortunately, only 1 of 7 eggs made it there safe. BUT, it was from the chicken I had confirmed a "lead eater" I have the results, but I can't...
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