rooster 4 months

  1. R

    Four Month Old Rooster Can’t Walk, Legs Extended in Front of Him

    The first day I went and he was laying on his back in the coop, he was fine the day before, so this was very odd to me. I pulled him out and he was very wobbly, he stumbled and seemed like he struggled to walk. Well he started to get better, but then his leg stuck straight forward and we could...
  2. Harvey 4 Months

    Harvey 4 Months

    Here he is, 4 months old and only now his voice is breaking, but still not crowing.
  3. D

    Are these Jersey Giants?

    Hi! I have a bit of a conundrum. You see, back in early May I purchased 8 day old chicks. 6 were supposed to be straight run Jersey Giants and 2 were supposed to be Mystic Marans hens. I could not tell them apart, but figured once they'd grown it would be easier to tell. The trouble is, now...
  4. Momma B9


    Free 4 mo old rooster. I live in city and can't keep him.
  5. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Meet the Lil Cockrels...

    Cockrel...Cockrell - either way, they can be lil hormonal beasts! PLEASE share your lil cockrels here with us and any wisdom too! Ya get your chicks...not knowing for certain what sex they'll be. Oh the excitement as you watch, wait and hope! You spend time with them, care for them. They get to...
  6. sammirae09

    Rooster is pulling out a lot of his feathers

    He’s a bit over 4 months old and he is getting a lot of new feathers could this be why he’s pulling spots of his feathers out? i was checking some of his skin areas and there doesn’t seem to be mites or anything
  7. sammirae09

    Rooster is biting hens wings

    My rooster is a little over 4 months old and is starting to bite my hens esp on the top of their wings. They’re all the same age. is this normal for his age or is he just being a butthead and being mean? Not sure if I should separate him for awhile or what. I love him and have had him since...
  8. sammirae09

    Front of comb is flopped to the side a bit

    This is my first time with roosters. My RIR rooster is around 4 months old. His comb was sitting straight the other day but the front part is a bit flopped. We are in summer and he’s been eating and drinking and crowing as usual: could it be the heat? Or just him still growing? Pic of his comb...
  9. V

    Is normal for chickens to be sleepy during day?

    Hi, I have a baby, is 4 months old and the summer just gone here in Japan. I noticed that my baby Vanilla is having naps. He is healthy and energetic when is not napping, is a 🐓 roo, but I'm keeping him alone because he born alone and met other chickens when he was 2 month old but never got...
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