rooster injury

  1. Rosealee

    Rooster swollen face sore and limping

    We noticed the rooster limping, but no sign of obvious injury. We then noticed this swollen sore on his face. We aren’t sure if a he got bit? He’s eating and drinking as usual. He is sitting down a lot though. Has anyone seen a sore similar to this and know what may cause it? Thank you
  2. C

    Help! How do I euthenize in Gainesville??

    I have a chicken that was wounded by my rooster - a deap gash on her shoulder. I seperated her, cleaned the wound and started her on antibiotics. She seemed to be doing fine - walking around, eating and pooping. I checked on her last night and her wound looked diff and it looks like there is...
  3. Madi431

    Need Advice on How to Care for An Injured Rooster

    It was 3AM and my dad was getting a drink of water in the kitchen when he noticed our cats looking out the window to our backyard. A dog got into our yard and somehow managed to get into our chicken coop. Our rooster fought for his life and is badly injured (unfortunately, we lost 2 hens and...
  4. Chickenunsernam

    Eye injury-- NEED SOME HELP!

    Hello everyone! So my rooster Francis (the rooster on my profile except he's all grown up and fabulous now) got attacked by two puppies we had (I gave them away) and he got some neck injuries. Now he was recovering from that and he started eating and drinking on his own again until one of my...
  5. BlueLineClucker

    Rooster Help

    This is our sweet boy, Jack. Jack came to us with only 1 eye. Now, as you can see, his other eye is completely swollen. Jack eats, drinks, crows and knows his way around the coop. We have tried lancing the bump, but only blood came out. We have tried penicillin, and Tylan to no avail...
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