
  1. What herbs do you grow for the girls?

    What herbs do you grow for the girls?

    It's the middle of March and the plants are popping out of the ground. I have Chives and Oregano coming up all over. I divide the chives up and plant around the outside of the coop and run. The Oregano spreads out along the run. The girls keep it trimmed and spreads like crazy. I have three big...
  2. Rose


    A Rose Pose
  3. Rose


  4. Naz223

    Mass on rose comb

    Anyone ever seen this? It started about a year ago and very slowly developed. She’s 3 years old.
  5. showmesilkies

    Summer Plant Swap/Trade

    Let's do something fun and beneficial for each other. Let's do a plant swap/trade. Rule 1. Be honest and fulfill the agreement with the other person Rule 2. Expect a fair trade. I'll start! I'm up for swapping/trading for just about anything that is not ordinary. I love cannas, Daylilies...
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