royal palm turkeys

  1. Kelsykin

    ISO Royal Palm Turkey, Pilgrim Geese, Ancona Duck, and Muscovies

    I am looking for poults, goslings, ducklings, and/or hatching eggs of these. I really would like to expand my flocks, I know it is early for much of them to be laying, but I am hoping some will be laying soon. Send me a PM or comment below with the information.
  2. highpawayden

    Turkeys not eating in summer

    My turkeys haven’t been eating much if at all the past week. They seem perfectly normal but I worry about them not eating. Is this normal? Is there something I can feed them in the summer that they’ll eat?
  3. Carel

    Night time attitude

    Hello - I have a 2 year old Royal Palm hen. I've had her since she hatched and she's a pet. Lately she has been getting attitude in the evening when it's time to lock up for the night. She acts a little bit aggressive, but I think it's more attitude than anything else. I certainly don't want...
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