run cleaning

  1. StefneyRSA

    Any and all advice for a brand new chicken owner: I know NOTHING!

    Hi all! My name is Stefney, I’ve recently acquired chickens for the first time. I live in South Africa, in the suburbs of Pretoria. I have 6 chickens at the moment: all of them are Orpingtons (2 x full size hens, 3 x bantam hens, 1 x bantam rooster). Please give me all of your best advice for...
  2. S

    Help with base of run

    I think I made a mistake when I put my ladies out in their coop with the attached run. I didn't prep the run in any way, shape or form, and just assumed the dirt/grass/weed situation was good enough. Now that it's been a few weeks obviously the weeds/grass are gone and it's just bare soil, but...
  3. G

    Grass-less Dirty Chicken Run

    Hi! I have 3, 21 week old hens, (I'm a first time chicken owner) and within the first 2 weeks of them being in their coop and run, they destroyed and ate up all the grass! All that's left is feathers, dirt, and chicken poop. I try to let them out every day to free range for a bit, but I'm...
  4. S

    Have been interested in Chickens but now have the time.

    I've raised chickens in the past but just now have the time to start building a real chicken coop, run, etc. Looking forward to designing, building and raising. Live on a lake now so have raised ducks in the past. may look into that also.
  5. bokbokbacab

    Need advice on litter for a covered run on concrete (PNW)

    I'm a brand new chicken keeper with two pullets about 20 weeks old. Our coop and run setup is a little different than most, located on a large cement slab in our yard rather than dirt or grass (the run was formerly a dog run built by the previous owners of our home). The run is fully covered by...
  6. TT43

    Coop and surrounding oder control needed

    Hi Everyone! How do you keep the odor down in the run area for your birds? I have chickens, turkey's and ducks and it smells horrible after all of this rain. Are there any tricks that I don't know about? 😊
  7. A

    Run material help! Sand? Wood chips?

    We are planning to use sand in the coop for ease of cleaning but I’m concerned that the girls will get bored in the run with just sand. Thoughts? Add a raised bed with something else for variety? Small composting pile/bin? We are planning to do at least one grazing box. We need something...
  8. C

    Muddy Smelly Run (sorry)

    Hey guys, I am fairly new to chickens and I know I am beating a dead horse here, but just wanted to get some thoughts. I have a 10x10 run that houses 10 hens (that do get out from time to time) and I’ve had a ton of success with simply adding straw/hay when needed. Expierenced very little...
  9. thesegirlscrackmeup

    Winter is Coming!

    Last year we wrapped the girls run in plastic vapor barrier, we just stapled it to the run. I was thankful we did that because it kept the snow out and made for easy cleaning. However, it really is a waste of plastic/money and also, somewhat of a pain. We wanted to come up with something that we...
  10. UrbanHenKW123


    So I'll start off by saying I'm a bit of a germaphobe. My girls are almost ready to lay. I clean out their coop once a week and give it some clean pine chips in there. I also sanitize their drinker and feeder with a vinegar solution. the run is sand based so I scoop that out once a week too. Is...
  11. T

    Eglu run bedding options?

    We have 5 Orpingtons in an eglu coop with run. We got the option with wheels to make it a tractor style thinking that if we moved it that our grass could survive... with a 1x/week move our grass is really struggling not to mention I don’t want their living conditions to be poor. I could use some...
  12. DMJ1123

    Cleaning an enclosed dirt run?

    What is a good method for "cleaning" the natural soil/dirt floor of an enclosed outdoor run? Do I just rake around the dirt? Remove some dirt and add fresh dirt on top? Any ideas and suggestions welcome.
  13. Scotty from BI

    What to do with chicken poop?

    I have a run that is enclosed that is about 60 feet long and about 8 feet wide. I have 8 large breed 2 year old chickens which doesn't seem like that many but they poop like there is 20 in there. I have been going around every day a couple of times a day with a dog poop scoop and picking up...
  14. J

    New to BYC! Need advice! :)

    Hey guys! I’ve been reading on this site for a couple months trying to get as much info as I can because I’m getting three 18weeks old chicken end of april! :) do you have any tips for me? Every advice is welcome! I live in quebec so winter is really harsh. Right now there’s about 5 feet of snow...
  15. IsabellaMarilyn

    I’ve decided to get Runner ducks any advice for me?

    Hello everyone! I’m planning on getting 3 female runner ducklings in the next month or so after I build their coop/run. I’d like to hear from Runner owners and other duck owners suggestions and advice. I live in a small town and I have a small yard (I’m on a main road with decent traffic so I...
  16. MyISAbrownhens

    Maintaining chicken run

    Ok so I can’t free range my chickens but they have a fairly large run, lately though I’ve been having some time maintaining it. The sand has been kind of eroding in weird dips and when I add new sand it’s gone in a week and it makes it taller and harder to open the door. The run ground is...
  17. T

    Chicken coop and run flooring/bedding material

    Hello, I have a chicken coop/run that is 4' by 12' that has coop off the ground and is enclosed while the remaining run just has hardware cloth walls. It is not walk in (roughly 4' tall) and I am trying to figure out the best material or method to use to prevent having to clean the coop out all...
  18. Zolamarie

    Duck run flooring

    Hey y’all, I hope you are having a good day!:frow I’m going to build a small duck run this weekend and can’t figure out what to line the floor with. The run I have right now is just a fenced in area with a dirt floor... or should I say mud floor! :sickIt is sooo gross and I keep cleaning it...
  19. D

    Hi Fellow Chicken Lovers!

    My name is Karen and I live at the Jersey Shore. I have 8 girls - 4 Americaunas and 4 RI Reds. Their health and welfare is my biggest concern --fresh eggs would be a bonus!We have a nice roomy coop with 4 nesting boxes on one side, adequate ventilaiton and all the rest of the things that they...
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