safeguard paste

  1. Krysthal109

    Can I use ivermectin and safeguard?

    Good evening, in two days i will go through my second round of treatment of ivermectin pour on for Mites and lice. But I have an issue. One of my girls has what I believe is Cecal worms (long, thin, and white worms), and I have some safeguard for horses on hand to treat my whole flock. Can I...
  2. Kandace Edgar

    4 week old sick Baby Chick

    Hey y’all welp. I’m back. Quicker than I wanted to be 😞 one of my mama hens broke out with A lil foam n her eyes so I started treating her with tylan 200 and also have tylan in all my waterers thank goodness her symptoms literally only lasted 2 days and she’s fine. She has 7 babies and 1 of them...
  3. Harmoni

    Deworming chicks (5.5 weeks old)

    I recently gave my big birds 1 ml of safeguard paste since one of the rirs that is broody have roundworms in her poop. I have 4 5.5 week old EEs that are typically separate but occasionally share the same run ( I lock the big birds up un their smaller run when I clean the little ones coop and...
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