safety hole

  1. F

    Safety Hole? Concerns

    Hello all. I had a momma duck about 4 days ago killed by a wild animal. She had 7 eggs survive and we are down to a single one. This one. I’ve lost 3 alone in the hatching process. I wasn’t prepared with an incubator since I had momma so I have a makeshift setup with a heat pad and wash...
  2. W

    PLEASE HELP!! Almost day 33 and think my gosling needs help!

    HELLO! I am brand new here but have been DEVOURING everything from this forum trying to hatch this gosling I was given!!! Everyone here is so helpful, so I figured I'd give it a go! I am freaking out because I've fallen in love with this little guy and want him/her to hatch SO BAD- but...
  3. AnnieDuck

    Help with bruised egg please!

    We are hatching Welsh Harlequin and Appleyard duck eggs. They are just going into lockdown today, day 25. One of the eggs has what I think may be a bruise on the pointed side. When I candle the egg, it has a normal air sac, good veins, and is moving. However, the other side also has what...
  4. N

    Internal pip over 24/48 hours

    I've got my last mascovey duck egg in the incubator day 37 (normal 35) and it's had an internal pip for at least 48 hours, no external pip. I don't necessarily hear any noise but I can see a lot of movement and when I whistle and tap at the egg I hear slight tapping inside. Should I make a...
  5. hannachristena

    would you safety hole an internal pip w/ no external after 24 hours?

    3 of my eggs have internal pipped yesteray at this time. they are chirping sometimes but there is NO external pip. its been 24 hours and im worried now. would you create a safe hole ? what should i do?
  6. TheCakeIsAWolf

    Quail Incubation Help

    Hey y'all, I'm at the very beginning of day 20 incubating a quail egg and I had not seen any movement until today when I noticed that the egg had shifted from its original position and there was some dried leakage from a safety hole on the egg. The chick hasn't pipped externally yet. I'm...
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