scaley leg mites

  1. MOyoChicks

    Is this Scaly Leg Mites? What’s wrong w spurs?

    I have a 2 1/2 yo Silver Lace Wyandotte rooster. His spurs look scaly and cracked. I wonder if it’s a fungus. But I’m more worried about if he has Scaly Leg Mites. (See pics) Otherwise I don’t see any health issues. His feet have always been a little red. I’ve seen no changes in behavior or...
  2. sparklez

    Buff Brahma limping, unknown cause, maybe feathers?

    About 48 hours ago we noticed our buff brahma was limping. She is about 5 months old. It has been very wet this week and her feathered feed were muddy. We washed and soaked her feet, look around and didn't see anything obvious. We did notice was looked like maybe a small sliver, or a very...
  3. MageofMist

    Little Sickly Banty

    Just got this gal after someone advertised online about needing to rehome her as her flockmates died, first the rooster and then her hen-friend. Looks to be a polish cross? Tinny has scaley leg mites from the looks of it and a bit of a wheeze to her breathing, so she had a bath with Johnson's...
  4. BigBlueHen53

    Question About Scaly Leg Treatment

    A couple of my hens show signs of scaly leg mites, so tonight I started treating them all with Bag Balm. Will this work? I know the aim is to smother the little buggers, which reside up under the scales on the legs. Vaseline is usually recommended, but I thought Bag Balm seemed more therapeutic...
  5. A

    First time chicken owner worried about scaly leg mites!!

    Hi there! I may just be be a paranoid first time chicken parent, but I noticed some dirt/darkness starting to occur on my 2-month old orpingtons' feet. They free-range a lot and I can't tell if this is the beginning of mites (especially in the darker areas) or just healthy active feet! Advice...
  6. C

    Loosing tale feathers and bald spot on neck

    I have three leghorn chickens that are looking a little rough lately:( They are pretty big (fat) compared to an average bird of their breed. They have full roam in my backyard although they eat mostly layer pellets and stay in the same couple spots most of the day.One chicken has a balding spot...
  7. M

    Scales leg mites or ???

    Was checking out my chickens and noticed their legs might be looking weird? I can’t tell if this is within the normal range or scales leg mites. I don’t know where they would have gotten them as I raised them from chicks and have not introduced any new chickens. They are about 9 months old...
  8. Haileebird

    Doktor doom lice spray?

    I’ve been trying to treat one of my guineas for suspected bumble foot and come to the conclusion that it’s mites. There’s no bumble foot root and no scab anywhere and it’s both feet that are affected. She’s not easy to catch, so I’ve been periodically epsom salt soaking her feet and then...
  9. K

    KT-Farms Intro ! AND NEED HELP!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes, I am relatively new at this. I bought a new home that came with 5 hens (already 5 years old). A year later, I rescued 5 hens. AND LAST YEAR I built a chicken palace and bought 18 chicks! (2) How many chickens do you have...
  10. ShrekDawg

    Extremely swollen foot!! Bumblefoot, scaly leg mites, or something else!?

    I just noticed that one of my chickens has an extremely swollen foot. I feel awful for not noticing sooner but she doesn’t appear to be limping or anything that I can see and her other foot is completely fine. She does seem to have a little bit of a hard time balancing on the roost with it...
  11. GoldenPeep

    swollen leg, loss of balance, breathing issues, odd behavior, etc

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Buff Brahma, almost 7, don't know weight, seems a little lighter 2) What is the behavior, exactly. (Also symptoms and other possible factors) -One leg swollen -Recovering from scaly leg...
  12. tjo804


    I need help figuring out what this might be. I thought scaly leg mites and have been treating him for that, he acts normally and no one else in the coop is having this problem. It looks painful but you would never know from his behavior. I oiled him up really well to mat feathers for pics and...
  13. Binki

    Help with scaley leg mites - now on eyelids... :(

    Hey guys, I’ve been treating scaley leg mites with oil dips and recently a vitamin A & E cream for the past year or so and now the mites appear to have moved to one of my quails eyelids which I can’t treat with oils or creams :[ so I’m ready to use a medication because these mites HAVE TO GO...

    Cant get rid of scaley leg mites

    I need some advice. My entire flock has scaley leg mites after adopting a pair of Seramas. Ive cleaned out the coop. Shot permetrin and dic earth into the cracks and spread on roosts and floors. I bathed each one and applied vaseline to there legs. I have even given them ivermectin. I dont know...

    Scaley leg mites!!! Tried everything...please help

    My entire flock has had scaley leg mites for months. I feel like Ive tried everything and I cant get rid of them! I bathed them all, applied vaseline to legs, cleaned out and scrubbed coop. Dicotamous earth and the mite powder, ivermectin. I need help please.
  16. Kristina Moatts

    Severe scaley leg mites on rescue chickens

    Just rescued these babies from a terrible situation. Hoping it’s not too late for all of them. Upon further investigation I found out that not only have they been neglected they’ve been starved no surprise. Hoping to someday let them out with my other birds. This is Day one of medicating leg...
  17. T

    How long can scaly leg mite live of of a bird host

    Hi everyone i was wondering how long a scaly leg mite can live off of a bird. i did some looking around and all i could find was northern fowl mite and red mites. thanks for you time.
  18. Binki

    "Sudden" scaley leg mites in pet quail!

    I have three hens in my special pet group and I used to have them on hay, however the last time we got a bunch of bales, it was not soft but hard and stick like. :/ This led to some foot injuries in my quail because I had a shelf they would jump up and down from a zillion times a day, landing...
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