scared chicken

  1. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Chickens too scared to leave coop

    A few hours ago, I was out visiting with my chickens when a murder of crows flew overhead, loudly squawking. The chickens got spooked and ran into their coop like they were running for their lives. I stood outside the run and watched--no signs of hawks or anything, but the crows seemed worked up...
  2. D

    Rooster attacks hen

    I have an Americana Rooster that’s over a year old and he’s attacking one hen. Whenever he sees her he makes a big noise and charges her. She’s very stressed and goes to a nesting box to get away from him. What can I do to stop this behavior. He’s going to kill her I’m afraid.
  3. F

    Cats scaring my chickens

    Hello! Any tips on preventing neighborhood cats from terrorizing my 4 month old flock of hens? They are well protected in their fully covered run—1/2 in hardwire mesh and galvanized metal roof. But the run is rather narrow (6 ft x14ft) and the circling cat is, I guess, too close for comfort and...
  4. TheFugitivePen

    Tips for handling a skittish hen who hates to be touched

    I have a hen who has always hated being touched or handled. She's not mean (doesn't peck), but she flaps, struggles, and screams if she's ever handled. While the rest of the flock certainly is not snuggly, they are patient and tolerate medical checks, and, sometimes, they will squat for pets...
  5. L

    Please help :( my chickens are scared of me. Rooster problems?

    I’ll try to keep this brief! We got our 11 chicks back in august and got 1 rooster and 10 hens, which is exactly what we wanted. I raised them all by hand and they’ve always been very friendly with me. When we transferred them outside anytime I open the door and come out they run to the edge to...
  6. C

    Rooster scared of other chickens

    Rooster doesn’t want to be near other chickens he is scared of the other roosters. He gets pecked even by the youngest rooster (6 months) He doesn’t want to mate with the hens either I don’t know how to fix this problem. Any tips?
  7. Alexisvalley

    Lost rooster!

    So my family has a rooster and almost a week ago he escaped and hasn’t come home. I didn’t realize then, but now I’m realizing that us trying to capture him probably scared him and I think he’s lost now or in hiding. From the sound of his crow that I’ve heard it sounds like he’s maybe a block or...
  8. K

    Hen afraid of her own flock?

    So, I've got a year and a half year old Rhode Island that was recently hurt. Big chunk of her skin was torn off by the spurs on our rooster. We took her inside for a little to let her heal, and now that she has healed we were putting her back. Problem is, when we put her outside: she got so...
  9. junibug

    hen scared of me

    hello! i posted a while back about my hen, leela. she’s healing well after the attack, but is absolutely terrified of me now! she’s always been the most affectionate and tame chicken ever :( everytime i move towards her, she does the hen squat (?) which she’s never done before, and when i picked...
  10. F

    No eggshell Sunday

    So funny thing happened the other day, we were looking for which Chicken on the roost had bumblefoot so we were picking up the chickens to look at their feet, one of them must have gotten scared because a egg fell onto the ground. But the weird thing is it has no shell! Just that film that...
  11. MogusBogus

    How to regain the trust of a spooked chicken?

    Hi everybody! Im a noob here and I made a bit of a blunder while hanging out with some of our chickens. If you wanna skip the preamble, just go to the third paragraph. We've had a flock of 12 for about 7 weeks now, and I've managed to gain a good amount of trust with at least 3 of our hens. Keep...
  12. V

    Is it possible my hens will no longer lay due to neighbors noisy dogs and an attack by said dogs 5 months back?

    About 5 months ago our downhill neighbors adopted a couple of dogs (large breed). They turned out to be escape artists and before the owners finally curtailed them, they had escaped and wandered up my property while I was out. I mistakenly left my hens unattended (never again!) as I thought a...
  13. Hippiechicklover

    Scared Silkie

    Hi everyone! First time chicken owner here. I have a flock of 4 at about 3 months old. I’ve had them since they were two weeks old. I’ve handled them daily. I have a silkie in this flock and since day one she has been petrified of me. She’s also... really dumb. She takes forever to figure out...
  14. mykel

    Freaked Out Rooster

    My poor top rooster got chased by a dog almost two weeks ago. He ran under our barn and has not come out since. For the first few days he was still crowing, but he doesn’t even do that anymore. My two other roosters have clearly taken over his job of big guy on campus. From what we can see, he...
  15. WallyBirdie

    Terrified Chicken? What to do?

    I've seen scared or skittish chickens. Mine are not the sort. They see people, and they immediately run over because they expect food or treats, or some even want to be held! I have one chicken that was newly singled out among the flock. Had him close to a year without any incidents, but now, he...
  16. G

    Friendly chicken now scared

    We have 2 chickens, Rocky is used to people and can be picked up, likes her back scratched, etc. the other one Cocky is a bit petrified of us. They lay eggs in a makeshift coop. We don’t lock them up at night anymore, as they have chosen to sleep on top of the awning beam amongst the...
  17. M

    Lonely Chicken

    Hi I had a little flock of 3 chickens, this week my neighbours dogs broke in and killed 2 of them:hitour third has lost a few feathers but managed to escape the dogs. She is clearly missing her friends and looks really lonely. I'm planning to go get her some new friends at the weekend, but...
  18. OhGoodness

    Dog and Chicken...

    So, the other day I was training my dog outside. We where doing our usual commands, when I dropped a treat. My chickens are very curious and friendly, so Tammy decided to investigate what I had dropped. My dog went to bite her because for some reason he thought her beak could take a dog treat...
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