
  1. My Newbie Questions, 10 Years Later

    My Newbie Questions, 10 Years Later

    I was looking at old threads as far back as 2009 and thought it would be fun to revisit my newbie questions in light of what I've learned. So MANY questions -- some having turned out to be critical and some trivial. I hope that you will find my trip down Nostalgia Lane will be at least...
  2. S

    The chooks are trashing our yard, help!

    HI backyard chook lovers! We’re a couple of new chook parents from Melbourne, Australia, where it is currently cold, rainy and a bit miserable. We’ve never had chickens before and are learning/loving them a lot as we go. Over lockdown we raised five beautiful ladies, two black Australorp x New...
  3. ChickChic00

    Unripe Spaghetti Squash?

    Can chickens eat Unripe Spaghetti Squash. I have some that are still Unripe, and are gonna be tossed because they are not as big as the others.
  4. P

    Leftover question

    I have some leftover baked rigatoni that has button mushrooms in it. Is it ok to feed this to my girls?
  5. Chicken Food and Water

    Chicken Food and Water

    When you get your chickens one of the first things that you need to do is set up a water dispenser and feeder. Another thing is what scraps are safe to feed your chickens. In this article it will include some easy designs for feeders and water dispensers. One easy water dispenser design is...
  6. CanadaEh

    how can I make them (chickens) eat more veggies?

    I have started picking up spoiled produce from farmers market and I am disappointed with a ratio of how much I bring to how much they actually eat. Shall I limit their feed (currently 17% meatbuilder) to encourage more veggie eating? Here is the list of what they eat and don't eat. Don't eat...
  7. castrbl

    how spicy is too spicy?

    my hen loves spicy food. if i have something spicy she will jump into my plate for it. but im scared of it being too hot for her. can she have a little bit of something only mildly spicy? or no spice at all?
  8. Keeperoflock

    Salt Question

    I have read in several posts and articles that say when feeding scraps and leftovers to not give salty foods. When I have food that I've cooked I of course salt it. Are these articles talking about foods like potato chips? Is it safe to give them leftovers that have normal amounts of salt...
  9. C

    Kitchen scraps for my flock?

    Hi fellow chicken parents! I am curious as to whether you advise feeding my chickens kitchen scraps. I basically throw all cooking scraps and leftovers outside and hope the chickens will only eat what is beneficial to them and leave the rest. FYI, I am a vegetarian who eats mostly organic...
  10. ChickenGirl2010

    Kitchen Scraps and Organic Eggs

    What kinds of scraps can I not feed my birds if I want to sell my eggs as organic or does it matter as long as I'm not directly giving them medicated feed?
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