#sexing #gender

  1. SamiJo_BB

    So confused on this bird!

    I got this bird as a replacement for one dying at a feed store. On the outside, there were two labels, Sapphire Splash or Easter Egger but the inside label had “Blue Bell” written in marker over the barrel. It was much bigger than my other chicks, but I wanted a variety flock so I picked this...
  2. B

    Just shy of 7 week old Easter Eggers- afraid I have several Roos?

    Hi everyone! I have 4 Easter Eggers that are two days shy of 7 weeks old. I have been reading a lot of past threads on here discussing different birds this age and now I’m afraid I may have multiple roosters! I thought the best thing would be to sign up and ask about mine specifically. I have 4...
  3. R

    What breed? Rooster or hen?

    What breed of chicken is this chicken? The 2nd pic, he/she is on the left. I bought them all as Dominique’s, but the chicken labeled #3 is not a Dominique. What do you think it is? Also, is it a rooster or hen? It acts just like a rooster by staying back and watching everyone and pushes the...
  4. chickenlol

    hen or roo?

    8 week rhode island red
  5. Stellasmomma

    What am I???

    HI ! This little Bantam came in a group of 5 I got they are now 8 weeks old the other 4 turned out to be OEGB but this guy is different does anyone know what breed he is?? Thanks!
  6. iLoveMyChickiesss

    Hen or roo?

    A few days over 3 weeks. Smallest of all my bantam chicks. Comb and waddle is slightly bigger than my other barred rock bantam but I’m not sure they’re the same breed. Pretty sure this one is a Barred OEGB.
  7. M

    6 week old Black Copper Marans boy or girl

    These are 3 black copper marans from Alchemist Farm. Please help me identify girl or boy. Thank you!
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