sick 1 day old

  1. S

    1 day old chick legs turned out and bone showing. Please help!!

    Some silkies hatched yesterday and one more hatched today. He seemed to be doing fine just weaker than the others when he first hatched. Then we realized the other chicks were picking at him to the point of dragging him. We put the chicks in a brooder and put this one back in the incubator. We...
  2. M

    Itchy and aggressive day old chick.

    Just got 7 chicks, all a day old and they seemed fine for almost half a day in their brooder. But one started aggressively scratching her face and pecking really hard at the other chicks eyes. I looked to see if something was on her face or in her eyes but saw nothing. I can't figure out what is...
  3. T

    Help! Sick Newborn Keet

    My partner and I have our first set of Guinea fowl keets! Mom had one egg left after the others hatched but kept coming off her nest and it was quite cold. Could hear it pipping and see the cracking so we put it under the heat lamp. My partner saw him struggling once hatched to disconnect fully...
  4. R

    Chick Breathing With Mouth Open

    I have a baby chick that I had to help from the egg yesterday. It was fine until this morning when I checked and it was like gasping with its mouth open. I had moved it to the brooder because I thought it may not be getting enough air in there. Now it’s been almost twelve hours and it still has...
  5. rachelb

    Very sickly chicks

    Good morning from a frosty France! I've incubated eggs over the years with much success but this time i've tried with my own eggs and ugh, not good. Out of 6 eggs, 3 hatched, 1 has died already the other two look very sickly. None of them seem to have had any energy at all, they have not...
  6. C

    URGENT baby chick on decline

    Hi all, Just got two new baby chicks to add to our flock they are in the brooder and only four days old. One is thriving but I am becoming concerned for the other she is constantly sleeping and today has started showing minimal to no interest in food. I have given her some electrolytes in hopes...
  7. StardustChicken

    Fowl pox and reintroducing hen

    I've had a fowl pox outbreak I've been dealing with for the last 5 weeks. The chick that was originally infected was hatched/being raised by a broody hen with 5 other siblings. The family has been quarantined from the rest of the flock. All of the chicks developed lesions except, strangely...
  8. S

    Need help! Hatched new baby chick with something protruding out of it!

    So she must have hatched in the middle of the night, she definitely hatched early. She is very active and chirping a lot but has this on her bottom. It’s just there and doesn’t seem to be receding. She is moving around, walking and drying off in incubator. She doesn’t seem in any distress that I...
  9. F

    Help please! Chick doesn't stand up straight or walk

    I just hatched some chicks a couple days ago and there was one that was having trouble so after 1 day I decided to help it and it was a success but after a while I began to notice it didn't stand up as quick as the other chicks. It is a 3 day old chick and it still hasn't stood up, instead it...
  10. C

    Hatched today and cant stand up

    Please help... I had to hand hatch a chick today , who's membrane dried up and he was stuck inside the shell. I carefully got him out and put him back in the incubator... he can't stand up and is on his back and his leg keeps shaking, what should we do ?? Their are other chicks in the...
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