
  1. Quack a lack

    My pekin duck has stopped eating

    He was eating and just stopped it’s been a few days since he’s eaten anything except the bugs or worms outside and plants, I’m suspecting that he still needs to eat his feed right? He feels lighter than before and is loosing a lot of his feathers. He doesn’t seem sick and poop seems fine just...
  2. A

    free-range chicks dying randomly?

    I have 5 - 10 week old egyptian fayoumis and brown leghorns chicks who free-range. I've heard these breeds are suppose to be great free-rangers but some have died without any sign of sickness, attack, or anything. I let them roam around when I'm outside but if I turn my back for a few minutes...
  3. D

    Does my duck seem sick?

    The vet said she isn’t overweight, rather she’s a little underweight, but.. She doesn’t exactly look it. That aside, is her abdomen swollen??
  4. Sparkzthechickenkeeper

    Help! Chick diarrhea but no other symptoms

    So I recently got chicks, 4 initially and I had only regular chick feed (un-medicated) but then I was getting five new chicks from a local farm, and I was concerned about spreading illness so I got the medicated feed and I gave that to them, my 4 chicks always had healthy poops, but now some are...
  5. D

    Why is there a thump sound when my duck drinks water? Is this normal?

    I just noticed this recently. She’s a years old now and this seems to have happened in just the last few days. Is this normal as ducks grow older or is she sick??
  6. T

    Weird Eggs - Is my chicken okay?

    Hello Chicken Lovers! I have posted on here once before and this community was incredibly helpful- actually y'all helped save my chicken's life! So I am reaching out about another one of my girls. I live in the mountains of Western North Carolina/Tennessee area and we had a mild December...
  7. sunny_bellyboo


    Someone help! We found an odd Guinea fowl from the store because it was by itself. It can't walk, seems off balance, and the skin near it's beak raises up when it breathes. What could possibly be wrong? We have no experience with Guinea so we need help :(
  8. newtochickens78

    Moulting? Sick? Hep

    My one girl was born in March 2019 appears to be moulting. It’s February in Winnipeg and very cold. Does this look like a moulting hen? I’m worried she might be sick. She’s eating fine and still laying.
  9. G

    Thirsty Chicken?

    I have a chicken who seems to be breathing/heaving hard, as if she's thirsty, but I check the water level every 2 hours and I have felt her sack and nothing seems to be wrong, when I do separate her from the flock and put water in front of her she doesn't want to drink it. What could be wrong?
  10. house.of.ducks

    Please help!! I think my goslings have pasty butt or are sick??

    I have two 4 day old chinese goslings. They seem to be healthy and act normally (in my opinion) and to be happy. This is my first time with goslings and i’m terrified that something will happen to them. Earlier today i noticed some poop hanging out of one of them so i gave them both a bath and...
  11. Ebony Rose

    Hen never laid an egg

    8 months ago I bought 10 production red chicks; 1 died the next day, I figured stress. At about 3 months of age, I saw a couple of my birds had 'moco' (mucous) (respiratory illness, no vet to diagnose what variety), and treated the flock with the antibiotics recommended by the feed store /...
  12. Nats Chickens

    I am not sure if i should interviene?

    The people behind us have three chickens, they actually got them from the same place we did. I have noticed that their red one has a floppy comb and is a bit slow. I am guessing she is dehydrated, but I am not sure if she is always like that as I don't see them through the fence that often...
  13. C

    older hen behaving strangely

    Hi One of my "older" (2+ years, but Hy-line) hens is behaving strangely. She avoids the other chickens in the flock and they started pecking on her. She hides but seems fine otherwise. This is new. She used to be a part of the flock even though she hasnt been laying eggs for several months. I...
  14. FluffyFlounder

    Sick Chicken?

    I have a chicken in my flock that is very lethargic, and isn't eating much. We brought some plants and weeds out to her and she sat down and ate. I have already dismissed the idea of her being egg bound as is has been over 48 hours since she started this behavior, and we feed our chickens oyster...
  15. Nats Chickens

    Please Help! An egg has collapsed inside my favourite hen.

    Hi guys. my favourite girl, a Black Star named Jewel, has a had and egg 'collapse' inside of her. [think its called a prolapse ?] anyway, I need to know how you fix this. she is the sweetest little thing and I would be very sad if she passed. I can't do pics [sorry] and she doesn't seem to be in...
  16. Mother Bwaker

    Broody or something else?

    I've had one single red chicken for a year and she's been a very happy girl. In the mornings she's pretty loud & I go out & open her coop & she free ranges all day. She greets me when she hears my car in the afternoons & during the day she spends time in front of a mirror propped up out in my...
  17. janneluecke

    Is my chicken sick or just broody?

    Please help! My Buff Orpington started sitting in a nesting box a few days ago and won't come out. I don't have a rooster, my hens are for laying only. Is she just being broody? When I first noticed it I removed the egg that was under her but she still stayed and I don't think she has laid an...
  18. juliaschickens

    Chicken sleeping standing up

    one if my hens randomly fell asleep while standing. They've been out free ranging most of the day, so I'm hoping she just got a little tired. She is a little bit smaller than the rest of them. I was just wondering if I should be concerned? I walked by to check on her and she woke up and nows she...
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