sick 3 year old hen

  1. S

    My hen is sick but Im not sure what exactly, vet said she would most likely slowly starve to death soon

    My girl is a few months away from 3 years old, and I believe she's a New Hamphire Red of some sort. She's had a floppy comb for a few months now and a little dull in colour, and has some laboured breathing. But in January she started to "throw up" and couldn't hold down water and her crop would...
  2. A

    My chicken is Lethargic and slow

    So one of our 3 year old chickens started walking slow and she started to poop black, also she was making slow aggravated sounding clucks. She usually has a big apatite so we checked for sour crop or a blockage but there was none, she doesn't have mites or lice either. her comb is nice and red...
  3. M

    Neck issue

    I let my chickens out of the coop and everything was going fine. Then later in the afternoon my3 year old speckled Sussex came to the door with it’s head crooked. Still walking. Took her to the vet (not a chicken vet) last night and he had to confer with the exotic vet. They said it might be an...
  4. K

    Sick Golden Comet Hen, egg bound or organ failure?

    Hi everyone! I’m relatively new to having/raising chickens (approx. 2 years) and I’m encountering an issue with one of girls right now that I can’t seem to find good information on. I acquired her from a guy who no longer wanted his 2 golden comets, so I’m not sure how old she is. If I had to...
  5. surprenant

    Black spots on chickens comb????

    Help!! So one of my chickens just died.. it’s was a long slow wasting away while I feverishly searched the internet for causes and solutions.. I’m thinking maybe worms ... but today I noticed black spots on one of my healthy chickens combs.. I recall seeing black spots on the one that just...
  6. SpaghettiJo

    PLEASE HELP!! I can't tell what's wrong

    Hi, one of my chickens (3yr old red sex link), Bertha, is not doing well at all. She has laid maybe two eggs in the past year, but I was not too worried about that because her health hasn't suffered until now & she's always been one of my strongest (& one of the two alphas of our small flock of...
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