sick hen buff orpingtons

  1. BunnyChickenMomma

    Orange Puss in Poop & Egg Laying Pain

    Hello, All! I'm hoping the amazing folks here can help. I took my girl, Thyme, to the vet a week ago because she was lethargic, not eating, and laying shell-less eggs. She is a 22 week old Buff Orpington and her issues started when she began laying about a week-and-a-half ago. She had a TON of...
  2. J

    smelly yellow liquid expelled from a hen's vent

    My hen, Chickapea, is not herself. I want to know what's happening. Today, her bottom was dirty, and she had no appetite. She was not active this afternoon like her usual self. This evening, I washed and soaked her in warm water with salt. She's inside my home inside a crate, so I can observe...
  3. UpstateMamma


    I have a 2 yo buff Orpington that has a swollen face around her right eye. It came on in a matter of hours, she was fine when I let them out in the morning yesterday, then in the afternoon it was swollen. I gave her .5ml children’s Benadryl yesterday, along with some antibiotic ointment on the...
  4. M

    Help! My Buff Orpington hen is sick!!

    Hello I have a Buff Orpington hen she was very healthy and all of the sudden she is now breathing and making a load scratchy sound. I opened her beak to see if she had some sort of signs of canker but is all clear. When she would inhaled I can see a circle airway opening and closing. Her comb...
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