
  1. MamaPoult

    Instrument Lovers❤

    Hi all what instruments do you play? Whats your favorite songs to play on them? I play ukulele and piano! I like to play Somewhere Over The Rainbow on my uke and any Lauren Daigel song on my piano. Happy music chatting!!
  2. Nest Coaching 101 - Sing!

    Nest Coaching 101 - Sing!

    Listen and discern who needs to lay. Soft voice and move slowly as you enter the HenHouse or Coop area. - Sing! Be present as they explore potential spots to lay that you provide. - See who is already in the favorite nest. Suggest another nearby cozy tapping, and drop in a bit of...
  3. Shmegel

    Quail Sound Translation?

    My coturnix quail has been sick with coccidiosis, so she’s been quarantined and I’ve been treating everyone with Corid. She’s finally better but today she’s been making this weird noise at the other birds that she’s never made before. What could it mean?
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