smelly eggs

  1. lancasterflock

    What is this smell!!??! Ahhhh!!!

    I just got a message from my aunt saying that one of my eggs smelled like bleach. She sent me a pic of the shell and it looks lightly brown on the inside. I have never ran into this before so naturally I am kind of freaking out as I do sell my eggs. I use no chemicals around my flock, coop/run...
  2. TheBirdBabe

    Duck eggs smell like wet dog?

    Hey y'all! 👋🏻 I have a very weird question. The other day I observed a strong smell as I was collecting eggs. Usually my dogs are with me (typically I blame them), but this morning they weren't. I smelled the strong smell of wet dog. Upon further investigation.. it was my duck eggs! I know...
  3. gokuchickey

    Stinking sweaty eggs

    A few days ago, my mother bought me some fertilized chicken eggs, I have 3 roosters and 7 hens. We had over 20 eggs and my mother wanted them to hatch so we put them in a basket hoping for one of the hens to foster/incubate, sadly none of the hens did until the next day, so the eggs were sitting...
  4. kmonroe95

    An obnoxious smell coming from the incubator on hatch day

    I had a teacher that I work with tell me that there is a seriously foul smell coming from her incubator, but chicks are supposed to hatch today. She looked it up and it said that maybe one of the eggs had a bacterial problem, but is there any way to tell which egg it might be?
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