soft egg issue

  1. K

    Question about this type of egg

    Hi there, I have a question about this type of egg and what causes it! Note that these are king (button) quail eggs. I just got an unusually completely white egg, and another completely without a shell, which is soft and spongy! This picture is attached Please help me about this. Thanks.
  2. S

    Soft shell eggs

    Hello y’all! I’m a little stumped on what else I should try with my hen that keeps laying soft shell eggs about every other day. She DOES lay normal eggs but then turns around the next day and lays a soft shell egg. I don’t want her to end up egg bound or worse…. I feed them the Red bag of...
  3. E

    Two soft eggs in one day.

    I saw a similar thread, but wanted to share that one of my girls laid TWO soft-shelled eggs today. Both had yolks. I thought she was egg bound this morning, she was really straining and finally an egg with a weak shell came out. She still didn't seem like herself, and I found her in the nesting...
  4. Mollieb713

    Soft shells in mature duck

    My female duck has been laying soft shell eggs for about a month now after a really cold winter. It's finally been warm for a steady 2 weeks though and when nothing changed I've began to get concerned. It is her first mating season since I added a male to my flock, however she doesn't seem to be...
  5. S

    Thin and soft-shelled eggs - calcium deficiency, absorption, egg drop syndrome?

    Hi there, I’m based in Sydney (Australia) and I have two Lohmann brown chickens which are only about 1 ½ years old. They’ve both been perfectly healthy and laying consistently until now. One of them has been laying thin-shelled and soft-shelled eggs on and off for the past 7 weeks. Occasionally...
  6. CalBickieMomma

    HELP! Hens laying soft shell/no shell eggs!

    Hello chicken people! So here’s my dilemma … I currently have two hens laying soft or shell-less eggs. I feed the flock All Flock and Feather Fixer with scratch offered every other day. I have a dish I keep full with oyster shell and clean, dried egg shells for them at all times. Just...
  7. CalBickieMomma

    The Great Soft-shelled Egg Mystery ...

    For the past few months or so, I've had at least four girls experiencing egg issues. Three of them were laying soft-shelled eggs, or even expelling the inside of the egg while the shell only made it partway out (where I would have to pull the shell free). The fourth hen just stopped laying...
  8. S

    Hen won't move

    I Have a one and a 1/2 year old hen that has not laid a solid egg since I've had her. I got her from a family in September of last year. I have tried to give her calcium and broken eggshells to remedy this. Now this morning she is just sitting in the run when I let everyone out. I went and...
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