
  1. Polish-Pal

    Easter eggers started laying.. then stopped

    Hello all! I have a flock of 2 buff polish, 1 white crested black polish, 1 sussex, 1 splash silkie, and 3 Easter eggers. All except the silkie were hatched April 1, so they’re approaching 6 months old. About a month and a half ago, the Easter eggers started laying. I got a super jumbo egg...
  2. 20211026_082416.jpg


  3. M

    chick is too loud

    My chicks are being very loud. how do I stop it.
  4. TheChickenTrainer

    Chicken walking like a penguin.

    If you look up "chicken walking like a penguin", a lot of times it will come up as (this chicken may be egg bound) but don't let that fool you. There can be quite a few reasons to why your pet chicken may be walking like a penguin (dinosaur) (sumo wrestler) etc. which needs to take immediate...
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