
  1. MomvdH

    Coop run tarps

    Hi. First post here. New chicken mama too. We have an Omlet coop that we decided to extend with a hoop coop for more space. We cannot free range due to predators. So my husband and daughter built a hoop coop for extra space, and they covered it with a heavy duty gray tarp. I was thinking...
  2. katie_94


    Obviously this time of year there will be less daylight and in FL we may have more sunlight but it's less around this time regardless. My question is: What counts as sunlight for the quails? I've read on here that quails need about 14 hours of sunlight each day to keep producing eggs...
  3. M

    Winter flock care and feeding

    Hi everyone! New chicken mom here with a small flock of 6 (for now) they will be 18 weeks old next week and I am curious about a few things. 1. Winter care- we typically have harsh winters here in Montana and temps can get down to -30, I have winterized the coop (it is not drafty but there is...
  4. OutbackNanna

    Hi new to keeping chickens

    hi everyone, I’m new to keeping chickens, I just recently acquired. (From my daughter) four hens and a coop.. my question is......... do my girls need to be in direct sunlight so that they will lay or can I keep them in the Shade under the trees all day, Thank you.
  5. LeahMMorris

    Sunlight while chicken is healing

    Hello everyone, So I posted a previous thread about one of my chickens with a prolapsed vent. Since I’m new at this I didn’t think what I was doing for her was working so I took her to get looked at by a vet. The vet gave me some medication for her since she has a lot of inflammation and some...
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