supplemental heat

  1. C

    Supplemental Heat in Coop

    Hello! First time chicken owner heading into the winder months. Is supplemental heat needed or recommended in single digit nighttime temps? We’re located in Tennessee and are having a stint of unusually cold weather (0 degrees to -1 predicted as the night time low, teens during the day). My...
  2. J

    Reflective foil mat for hen

    So winter has come, and it has made this new chicken mom nervous. I have a hen who has not fully feathered out like her siblings. She was one of the first to begin getting her wings etc coming in, and then she just remained on pause. I think I have noticed some recent progress, but essentially...
  3. spiritpots

    Adding heat to coop in winter?

    I live in Minnesota and last year was my first winter with chickens. After much reading about the pros and cons of heating a coop I decide not to add supplemental heat due to my heavily wooded property... a fire would be devastating. My coop is about 30 sq. ft. and I had four chickens last...
  4. unbaked pegga

    Going to be really, really cold Monday night

    I have 3 Orpingtons. We are in a cold snap but so far I have not used any supplemental heat (and I usually don’t). I have an attached run that is covered in 20 ml clear vinyl. It is supposed to get down to 14 tomorrow night, 11 Sunday night and 7 Monday night and then up to 16 Tuesday and about...
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